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(8) Sealed Incriminator Audio Judge 21" build


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These Incriminator Audio Judge drivers have a custom suspension and had additional mass added (3 dust caps) to lower the Fs from the stock 34hz to 26hz.


The eight drivers are going in large dual-opposed boxes that are 24” wide, 22.5” tall, and 55” long (3" thick baffles).  That’s roughly 13.4cu.ft before drivers and bracing.  Stuffed in each cabinet is 6 pillows. 


I used 3/4” MDF and quadrupled the baffles.  Securing the drivers to the cabinets are 1.75” stainless steel #10 wood screws.  I could have used bracing that would consume less internal volume, but for this build I chose a simpler/faster approach. 


The two drivers in each cabinet are each DVC (1.5ohm per coil) with the coils wired in series and then the two drivers are paralleled, and then two cabinets are wired together in a series.  For the amplification the current plan is a pair of bridged Crest CC5500, which may change later to a couple SP2-12000 or K20s. 


Posted later will be frequency response sweeps and SpecLab captures.  





















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Pardon my totally off-topic question, but why do you reserve the extra posts at the top of the thread when you can edit old ones?  Is there a limit on how long a post is?


There's a limit to how many pictures can be in a single post, even if they're just linked from somewhere else. 

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Can't wait to come down and help you out/listen. Are you going to try and get them placed?


I had some issues with the gasket tape I had so I had to buy some more yesterday.  Right now I only have one cabinet loaded and I doubt I'll have the other 3 done today.  I woke up with a cold so it's slowing me down, and we have plans for the kiddos today. 

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Awesome stuff!  I remember you saying you don't have much room gain?  Is that you? LT will be your friend if not. 


I certainly didn't in my old room, but I've never tried sealed in the new room.


The new room is smaller, has a concrete wall directly behind the LP, and the LP is on a wood riser.  I'm really hoping that combo will equate to something below 15hz this time around. 

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I had some issues with the gasket tape I had so I had to buy some more yesterday.  Right now I only have one cabinet loaded and I doubt I'll have the other 3 done today.  I woke up with a cold so it's slowing me down, and we have plans for the kiddos today.


Sorry you're not feeling well man. Have fun with the kids. We leave on Saturday and won't be back until the 1st (more than likely). I'm sure you'll have them done and set by then; sorry I won't be around to help.

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