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The Low Frequency Content Thread (films, games, music, etc)


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We watched 'Home', the one with Jim Parsons in, this weekend.


I wasn't expecting a lot but, er...  yeah...


Unless there's a shedload of <15Hz stuff that I'm just not getting because I've not setup my MiniDSP yet :ph34r: , there was a distinct lack of bass associated with anything happening on screen.  The end section could have been insane but it's like there was a 40Hz filter or even higher - ridiculous.


For a Rizzo / Thom combo on sound, I can only assume that the studio laid down ground rules that it had to be suitable for 3-year-olds, which meant lots of kick-drum on songs but nothing that might be 'scary'  :rolleyes:


At least the levels were good and it sounded pretty clean, I had it up to -8 on the AVR, which I only ever do with Oblivion and similar.

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The roll-off looks pretty mild.  Some low stuff may be audible, and it may have BEQ potential.  Any word on the loudness / overall sound quality?  Some of the stuff coming out of Skywalker Sound lately has been really good as far as headroom goes.

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Measured the new Jack Reacher, as Tom Cruise has put out many bass-heavy movies recently.....doesn't measure so well, LFE channel tops out at -7dB, Surrounds at -5dB, LCR use all available headroom, but do not clip....at all.


I'll post up measurements after I watch the film.


Scott, you're right, this IS Data-Bass, but after watching the shark-jumping Frankenstein's Army (and subsequently not digesting my previous meal), Infrasonic extension  is not the only important thing in a film soundtrack.



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Another really good use of surround. Great Atmos mix.



Oh wait. Data Bass. I keep forgetting. :P


I agree - good use of surrounds and I only have two surround speakers but they had plenty of info being sent through them. I know I've said this about annother movie but I really enjoy movies where the surround speakers have a lot of information in them. And I also liked the quality of the bass in Tarzan. Sure it didn't dig flat into the teens but the emphasis at 30 Hz with info still down to / below 20 was good for the movie. I would have LOVED for it to reach down to 10 Hz flat but at least it didn't fall on its face at 35 Hz. :)

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Measured the new Jack Reacher, as Tom Cruise has put out many bass-heavy movies recently.....doesn't measure so well, LFE channel tops out at -7dB, Surrounds at -5dB, LCR use all available headroom, but do not clip....at all.


I'll post up measurements after I watch the film.


Scott, you're right, this IS Data-Bass, but after watching the shark-jumping Frankenstein's Army (and subsequently not digesting my previous meal), Infrasonic extension  is not the only important thing in a film soundtrack.




FWIW I turned the movie off before it was halfway through. I did not like the movie at all. 

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How Tarzan as a movie?


It was okay. I didn't love it and the trailers seemed to show the whole movie. I hate that.


But it was enjoyable. Good performances and production value. Things looked and sounded real good. Not sure how often I'd re-watch it though. Worth a watch if you were interested.

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Scott, you're right, this IS Data-Bass, but after watching the shark-jumping Frankenstein's Army (and subsequently not digesting my previous meal), Infrasonic extension  is not the only important thing in a film soundtrack.








I agree - good use of surrounds and I only have two surround speakers but they had plenty of info being sent through them. I know I've said this about annother movie but I really enjoy movies where the surround speakers have a lot of information in them. And I also liked the quality of the bass in Tarzan. Sure it didn't dig flat into the teens but the emphasis at 30 Hz with info still down to / below 20 was good for the movie. I would have LOVED for it to reach down to 10 Hz flat but at least it didn't fall on its face at 35 Hz. :)


I forgot what amp you were using. Can you enter in BEQ settings? Maybe there will be some preset for Tarzan to bring up that ULF.


FWIW I turned the movie off before it was halfway through. I did not like the movie at all. 


Right. The 2nd Jack Reacher movie ssssssuuuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkkkkeeeeedddd.

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Has anyone seen the 12 Monkeys TV-series?

I recently watched the first season and am half way through the second now and it has lots of loud bass. And it's not just your typical boomy TV-show bass, it's clean despite being loud and it reaches very low at times.

The first season finale was particularly crazy as almost half of the episode (about 17-18 minutes I'd say when looking at the waveforms) had a deep bass pumping. Very similar to Pulse but not quite as deep and it seemed to vary a bit more. It actually started to annoy me after a while because it just wouldn't go away, I'm sure some people would have gotten a headache from that.

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Has anyone seen the 12 Monkeys TV-series?

I recently watched the first season and am half way through the second now and it has lots of loud bass. And it's not just your typical boomy TV-show bass, it's clean despite being loud and it reaches very low at times.

The first season finale was particularly crazy as almost half of the episode (about 17-18 minutes I'd say when looking at the waveforms) had a deep bass pumping. Very similar to Pulse but not quite as deep and it seemed to vary a bit more. It actually started to annoy me after a while because it just wouldn't go away, I'm sure some people would have gotten a headache from that.


There was some TV show the missus was watching (one of the various ones with Vampires in IIRC) and it seemed like the production team had a "Add bass for added tension" button that they were leaning on for half the time, even when nothing of any note was taking place on screen - too much can be too much!




We watched 'The Finest Hours' tonight - thanks to those recommending it earlier in this thread - I'm not EQd properly but even so, the added weight from bass digging deep was much appreciated and also pretty nicely done.  Not too much, not too little, and tied in with what was happening on screen.  I'll had to re-watch it when the neighbours are out as I had to watch it quieter than I would have liked. 


Film itself was a bit cheesy and some of the filming techniques weren't quite as seamless as I would have liked, but overall I recommend a watch :)

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Wow.  Jack Reacher 2 was even worse than I could have ever expected.  Didn't even get to appreciate any sound/bass due to the constant cringing at the writing/acting.  Sometimes when a film gets deadpan reviews, my expectations are so low that even a mediocre movie can seem OK.  Not the case here.



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Wow.  Jack Reacher 2 was even worse than I could have ever expected.  Didn't even get to appreciate any sound/bass due to the constant cringing at the writing/acting.  Sometimes when a film gets deadpan reviews, my expectations are so low that even a mediocre movie can seem OK.  Not the case here.




Wow. That bad huh? Are we talking bad enough that it is viewable as a comedy? I enjoy watching extremely bad horror/sci-fi movies.

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Wow.  Jack Reacher 2 was even worse than I could have ever expected.  Didn't even get to appreciate any sound/bass due to the constant cringing at the writing/acting.  Sometimes when a film gets deadpan reviews, my expectations are so low that even a mediocre movie can seem OK.  Not the case here.




I nearly grabbed it when I saw it on the shelf the other day. Sounds like I should be glad that I passed.

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Wow. That bad huh? Are we talking bad enough that it is viewable as a comedy? I enjoy watching extremely bad horror/sci-fi movies.


Almost.....it was horrible...just redbox it and see for yourself if you are that curious.  But most horrible movies know they are bad and play off of it (Flash Gordon and Black Dynamite come to mind), but this tries to still be serious in spite.  I am seriously considering not donating Reacher 2 it to Goodwill; they might give it back as 'not a serious donation'.


Mike, you were spared having to own this title.



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^ I agree on all accounts. It takes a special case for me to purposely not finish a movie. Hell, I watched "Weaponized" all the way through because of the good / flat frequency response [lack of bass though] and it had horrible acting and a shitty / predictable plot...but I watched it to the end. The second Jack Reacher was so bad that I didn't even last through the first hour. 

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Almost.....it was horrible...just redbox it and see for yourself if you are that curious.  But most horrible movies know they are bad and play off of it (Flash Gordon and Black Dynamite come to mind), but this tries to still be serious in spite.




Exactly the kind of movies I meant. absolutely wretched but they kind of play off of it so it's more like an absurd comedy. I'm into that. Just plain bad on the other hand no thanks.


On a semi related note, has anyone seen the Great Wall previews with Matt Damon? Almost seems like a missing spoof trailer from the beginning of Tropic Thunder or he lost a bet with some friends and has to do a terrible movie as a dare. IDK maybe it'll be great but the previews left me scratching my head like WTF is that?

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