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The Low Frequency Content Thread (films, games, music, etc)


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I've already seen them all, but will watch when I get time, as I can't remember details about Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire.  I am thinking GoF and Order of the Phoenix will be very good, and that they will get better and better as they go (like the Matrix series).



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Turbo (7.1 DTS-HD MA)

Level        - 2 Stars (106.9dB composite)
Extension - 3 Star (19Hz)
Dynamics - 5 Stars (30.91dB)
Execution - 3 Stars (by poll)


Overall     - 3.25 Stars

Recommendation - Rent (by poll)


Notes: Decent track for bass, although I think I liked the original Cars better; will have to measure that one.  This track is appropriately mixed with what I'd call a delicate touch.  Nothing's very low or very loud, but it has good dynamics.  Touted as being "from the makers of MADAGASCAR and KUNG FU PANDA" by the IMDb synopsis, Turbo is probably the dumbest plot I've ever seen.  I wouldn't even rent this unless you have kids who beg for it.





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Man of Steel (7.1 DTS-HD MA)

Level        - 5 Stars (113.0dB composite)
Extension - 2 Star (23Hz)
Dynamics - 4 Stars (25.3dB)
Execution - 3 Stars (by poll)


Overall     - 3.5 Stars

Recommendation - Rent (by poll)


Notes:  Man of Steel could have been EPIC!  Instead, it's a huge disappointment in terms of bass.  The sound mix has no extension, and was just spotty all-around for LFE effects.  Sometimes, huge stuff happened on screen and there was almost nothing below 80Hz, such as when the terraforming device plants itself in the Indian Ocean.  Then, there were other times when rather mundane stuff is happening on screen and there was lots of high bass, such as every time a beetle-shaped ship flew by. 


I've read a bunch of reviews online - all absolutely raving about the LFE - but I cannot believe anyone who has a capable system would think this mix was good in terms of LFE.  The whole track was just so inconsistent, I wouldn't give it more than a 2 for execution - it loses for the complete lack of extension, but mostly for sound design that really had me wondering if my amp had shut down at various points.  It's another great opportunity squandered by Hollywood.





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Looks like some 15-25Hz stuff was originally there in MoS and got filtered away.....too bad.


I'll add Kung-Fu Panda to the queue.




Definitely a missed opportunity for it to have a fairly decent native set of bass ratings. Oh well. I still really liked the movie. Probably one of the better 'comic book' movies ever.

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Cars (5.1 TrueHD)

Level        - 3 Stars (108.5dB composite)
Extension - 3 Star (15Hz)
Dynamics - 5 Stars (32.32dB)
Execution - 4 Stars (by poll)


Overall     - 3.75 Stars

Recommendation - Buy (by poll)



Notes: An oldie but a goodie; this is a really solid flick.  It's pretty much better than Turbo in every way.  It's full of shocking dynamics, it's decently loud, and has decent extension.  It has content all the way down (not loud, but not filtered out), and the mix is very good for a 5.1 track that's seven years old now.  Plus, it's a decent movie.  I definitely recommend this if you have kids, or if you simply like animated kid's movies - I sure do.





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Level - 4 Stars (112.01dB composite)

Extension - 3 Stars (17Hz)

Dynamics - 5 Stars (31.03dB)

Execution - 4 Stars (by poll)


Overall - 4 Stars


Recommendation - Buy (by poll)


Very well done sound, as I expect in Matthew Vaughn films.  Too bad it was filtered.



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The World's End (5.1 DTS-HD MA)


Level        - 3 Stars (108.7dB composite)
Extension - 5 Star (1Hz)
Dynamics - 5 Stars (29.46dB)

Execution - 4 Stars (by poll)


Overall     - 4.25 Stars

Recommendation - Rent (by poll)


Notes: We finally have another unfiltered release!  Following in the footsteps of Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, and Shaun of the Dead, the final installment in the Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy looks to be another big mix from writer/director Edgar Wright.  Fans of those films will likely love this one as well.  This has solid use of the full bandwidth, and just great sound design all-around. 


Many of the Hollywood mixing studios could really take some notes on the sound design and mixing done on Edgar Wright movies, as they're simply spectacular all-around tracks - almost zero clipping, great extension and dynamics, with unique yet totally appropriate use of effects everywhere.  In this case, the movie's sorta ho-hum, but the sound's another fun ride that could easily score a 4 or 5 for execution on the use of bass.





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Planes (7.1 DTS-HD MA)

Level        - 3 Stars (108.3dB composite)
Extension - 2 Star (21Hz)
Dynamics - 4 Stars (27.33dB)

Execution - 4 Stars (by poll)


Overall     - 3.25 Stars

Recommendation - Rent (by poll)


Notes:  Haven't viewed it.  Reviews look horrible, but the mix doesn't look too terrible...for a run-of-the-mill kid's movie.





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2 Guns (5.1 DTS-HD MA)

Level        - 3 Stars (108.2dB composite)
Extension - 1 Star (26Hz)
Dynamics - 5 Stars (30.83dB)
Execution - 3 Stars (by poll)


Overall     - 3 Stars

Recommendation - Rent (by poll)



Notes:  The movie is pretty forgettable, especially without any serious bass.  The only ULF in the movie is stuff you'd prolly miss if you weren't looking for it - a train rumbles by a couple of times and accounts for the 10-14Hz blip on this film's bass radar.  I wouldn't recommend it, even if you like Paula Patton.





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The World's End looks good, great use of the whole bandwidth, esp the mid-upper bass!  Tons of releases have lots from 20-50Hz, then a rolloff on either side....there is some real impact to be had from 80-150Hz...if your room doesn't have suckouts in that freq band....



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Robocop have pretty good re-mix on blu-ray with ulf down low, but levels maybe same as commando? Then how about three of life, it includes one of best demo scene with visuals and audio/bass IMO. ;)


Btw, is matrix reloaded filtered in blu-ray, because...



Is that the Reloaded dvd? Is the blu different/filtered?
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Is that the Reloaded dvd? Is the blu different/filtered?

Yeah, those are from dvd. Couple scenes are shown here where that nebucanesher(or what that ship name was) is landin and hits solid objects(in chapter 2 and 4 if i remember right). No idea is blu-ray filtered, was askin it too.

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I haven't looked at the DVD of The Hobbit.


Well guys, if you ever check the 1st post, a few films have moved up, and a few films have moved down in the rankings now that I am measuring 100% digitally.  I am sad to say that War of the Worlds is now a 4.75 Star film, so is Looper.  I have many films to go, but those two surprised me, even more so that WotW is riddled with clipping in every channel.  I do not own the film (didn't like it), but every high spl scene has clipping in at least one of the channels.  Like every other film, the center channel clips the most.


Harry Potter 3&4 soon...



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