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The Low Frequency Content Thread (films, games, music, etc)


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It is a pleasure to come here and actually read ratings for new movies with bass. To much mumbojumbo at the other one. I go down to the store every Tuesday or Wednesday to pick up a couple of new releases on BD and this page certainly helps. I also live by the smartphone app Flickster with rotten tomatoes.  If you don't have it, I suggest it. Gives you all the info on movies in the theaters and upcoming movies on DVD. Ratings are pretty much dead on. Last night I picked up Frozen ground and Resolution and also got the Stars wars trilogy. Picked up Frozen ground because of the ratings here, but Flickster had a poor user rating. I was going to get After Earth, but I think it was one of lowest ratings on a movie I seen in awhile at like 11%, pretty bad, bass or no bass, not buying it. Thanks for all the info guys. 

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After Earth might be the Battle LA of 2013. Terrible movie, amazing ULF and decent visuals make it watchable?


That's probably stretching it.  After Earth is a pretty terrible movie.  I thought B:LA was an almost decent movie - certainly not good, but not terrible or even bad - mediocre is the best superlative I can think of.  I agree with what wth718 says below:


Let's not leave Olympus Has Fallen out of the mix!


I don't know if I'd put After Earth in the same category as B:LA, either as a bass movie or as a movie overall. AE was just a gawdawful movie, IMO. B:LA was mindless, but entertaining. Also, many more bass scenes than AE which, after the ship crashing about 1/2 hour into the movie, has just one other short scene I can remember with notable bass. Just my opinion, of course.


Pretty much completely agreed - we should definitely not leave OHF out.  I personally consider it a much better bass movie than Oblivion, but Oblivion is no slouch.  AE doesn't feel like it has a lot of big bass scenes, as you said, but it does contain a fair amount of bass content overall, and especially ULF content.  It's just such a terrible movie.


It is a pleasure to come here and actually read ratings for new movies with bass. To much mumbojumbo at the other one. I go down to the store every Tuesday or Wednesday to pick up a couple of new releases on BD and this page certainly helps. I also live by the smartphone app Flickster with rotten tomatoes.  If you don't have it, I suggest it. Gives you all the info on movies in the theaters and upcoming movies on DVD. Ratings are pretty much dead on. Last night I picked up Frozen ground and Resolution and also got the Stars wars trilogy. Picked up Frozen ground because of the ratings here, but Flickster had a poor user rating. I was going to get After Earth, but I think it was one of lowest ratings on a movie I seen in awhile at like 11%, pretty bad, bass or no bass, not buying it. Thanks for all the info guys. 


Thank maxmercy for all that.  :)  It's his ingenuity that makes it all possible!  I would recommend you continue to use Flickster ratings when considering which movies to buy.  After Earth, for instance, definitely isn't worth buying - same goes for a lot of these flicks.

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Let's not leave Olympus Has Fallen out of the mix!


I don't know if I'd put After Earth in the same category as B:LA, either as a bass movie or as a movie overall. AE was just a gawdawful movie, IMO. B:LA was mindless, but entertaining. Also, many more bass scenes than AE which, after the ship crashing about 1/2 hour into the movie, has just one other short scene I can remember with notable bass. Just my opinion, of course.


Agreed. OHF, Oblivion and Kon Tiki are all overall better LFE films vs AE. AE cant compete with Battle LA overall either. AE was a flat out terrible film in my book as well and I almost shut it off a few times watching yesterday it was so bad! 

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Yes, but you will have to make it yourself.


By adding the English subtitles from the English version, to the Norwegian 7.1 version, of course this will only work if the versions are similar part from the audio and subtitles. 

Not likely that anyone would go through that much trouble just to get the 7.1 soundtrack.


If you playback on a computer, then it is easy to just select an external subtitle file for a movie. This movie is different in that it was shot twice - once in English and once in Norwegian. The Norwegian version is 119 minutes and the English version is 96 minutes. You would need the English subtitle file for the 119 minute version.



Two Versions of 'Kon-Tiki' in Two Different Languages

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For anyone interested this is the Norwegian release of Kon-Tiki,



   Total   Video                                             
Title                                                           Codec   Length  Movie Size      Disc Size       Bitrate Bitrate Main Audio Track                          Secondary Audio Track
-----                                                           ------  ------- --------------  --------------  ------- ------- ------------------                        ---------------------
00000.MPLS                                                      AVC     1:58:48 33,599,508,480  33,599,611,420  37.71   30.77   DTS-HD Master 7.1 5069Kbps (48kHz/24-bit) 



Disc Title:     KT
Disc Size:      33,599,611,420 bytes
Protection:     AACS
BD-Java:        No
BDInfo:         0.5.8


Name:                   00000.MPLS
Length:                 1:58:48.138 (h:m:s.ms)
Size:                   33,599,508,480 bytes
Total Bitrate:          37.71 Mbps


Codec                   Bitrate             Description     
-----                   -------             -----------     
MPEG-4 AVC Video        30773 kbps          1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1


Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     
-----                           --------        -------         -----------     
DTS-HD Master Audio             Norwegian       5069 kbps       7.1 / 48 kHz / 5069 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)


Codec                           Language        Bitrate         Description     
-----                           --------        -------         -----------     
Presentation Graphics           

It looks identical to me?

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In December we'll put up a poll and vote on it.  OHF will be included.


So after all of the gushing over Oblivion, I decided to take a closer look a the soundtrack.  It does clip in many places, usually at a lower level (-3 to -4dBFS), mainly in the front channels.  But it simply does not sound as harsh as STID, and the soundtrack blends well with the film, much better than the clipping in the Tron score.  I think the sound is very well done in it, and it goes to show that clipping can be used to good effect at times, and other times not so much.



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Been away from these pages for a while, so much to comment on.


I'll start by expressing thanks for Open Range. Infrasonic had it right, "sharp, percussive bass" for sure. I was turned on to Open Range by Mark Seaton, because of it's demo worthy soundtrack. A good movie for sure, but those incredibly demanding transient hits pack a punch with the right system. 


Looking at those SL graphs, you can clearly see why it's so percussive and demanding... high level, decade wide blasts from about 10hz-100hz. Spectrally, they vary, but those thin horizontal red lines, each blast clearly separated by the blue. My system is tailor made for effects like these, but a year ago at Cedia, I experienced an Open Range demo on the über expensive Steinway Lyngdorf line source system. Hands down, I'd never heard any transients like this ever before. These tall dipoles (15)5", and a line of AMT folded ribbons, with maybe (24)12"s, stunning impact that makes you jump, amazing. I've detailed that particular demo session before, so I won't add to that.   


Looking at those SL graphs, I see why.


Again, headroom is our friend. Even hearing that demo many times, the average level wasn't appreciably higher than usual, but the peak energy from the gunshot effects packed much more energy than any previous listen. So again, this further bolsters the often cited axiom that compression effects, affect the playback sooner, and is often more impactful than is otherwise known. Resolving demanding peak energy accurately is a tall order.    



Also, I appreciate the heads up wrt Kon-Tiki.

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Time to catch up!


Coming to day are Jumper and Priest



Poll results:


World War Z gets 4 Stars and Buy


The Iceman gets 4 Stars and Rent


Iron Man 3 gets 3 Stars and Rent



Up for polling on separate threads soon:


Lord of the Rings Theatrical BD for The Two Towers and Return of the King




The Croods




Open Range


Lords of Salem




The Frozen Ground


After Earth



Be sure to vote!




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Level - 1 Star (104.85dB composite)

Extension - 2 Stars (20.5Hz)

Dynamics - 5 Stars (28.3dB)

Execution - 4 Stars (by poll)


Overall     - 3 Stars


Recommendation - Buy (by poll)


I liked the use of LFE in this film.  It is no record-breaker, but was well done, no clipping.  




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Got my copy of Pacific Rim in my hands and waiting for the freight truck with my brand new dual PSA Triax subs!! What a way to celebrate!!! I imagine there will be some content. Almost 2 weeks with no subs, I am in sub withdrawal.


Awesome! Please report back about both!$

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Pacific Rim:


Both 5.1 and 7.1 are near identical.  So much for the 'theatrical version'.


7.1 is 1dB hotter.




Level - 5 Stars (114.11dB composite)

Extension - 3 Stars (19Hz)

Dynamics - 4 Stars (25.03dB)

Execution - 4 Stars (by poll)


Overall - 4 Stars


Recommendation - Buy (by poll)


The 5.1 version scores 3 Stars in Dynamics with a 24.01dB Dynamic score.


See attached.


If you like Thor, you'll like this one ULF-wise.  They are very similar, with similar clipping in the center channel, but not throughout the film like in STID.  The LFE channel has near zero clipping.  I wish they could do the same with the Center in most films, but I understand the load the Center is asked to carry.  This film could have used more dynamics, scraping the bottom of the barrel to get 4 Stars in that category.






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Such a ridiculous HPF on there.  Are you saying you want the Center to be clipped or not clipped?  The only thing I hate is that for some reason my ears are sensitive to harsh 's' sounds so when the center is clipped I end up having to turn the movie down and everything suffers from that.


The center channel clips and is compressed in many scenes.  What I'm saying is that the center is asked to do so much (behind the center of the screen), that to get every sound that needs to be there it must be easy to overload it when mixing.



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