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The Low Frequency Content Thread (films, games, music, etc)


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Not sure if sarcastic or not

Sorry I should've explained myself better

I use jriver to downmix the 5.1 - 7.1 channels to a mono audio file per desertdome's instruction and then run the mono file through speclab.


I will only analyze the DTS-HD MA or the TRUEHD audio files

I never analyze lower quality audio files




No sarcasm, just curious because if the rental is that different from the purchase, it will be the first time it's happened in my experience. The rental, of course, has the lossless soundtrack and it certainly does not have the content shown in your PVA peak hold.


If the rental can't be counted on to have the same content bandwidth, that's a problem because having to buy the disc to see what's on the soundtrack is unacceptable.

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Deadpool?  No, I wouldn't let a kid watch that.  Lots of F bombs and graphic violence.

I am going put a big NO in here as well.  There are a lot of F bombs, along with other choice words.  The violence is a lot and bloody.  Plus there is a quick nude scene.  So no, I would not recommend this for a child/young teen.  For us adults, it's great.  Tons of inappropriate one liners and the 4th wall is shattered which makes it that much better. Just like South Park the movie wasn't for kids, even though it was a cartoon, this is not for kids just because it's a "super hero" movie.  Because as Deadpool states, "This is a different kind of super hero movie."  I thought it was great by the way.  Not because of that stuff.  It was just a good movie.

dgage, do yourself a favor and search for deadpool red band trailer.  You will get all the info you need there.

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No sarcasm, just curious because if the rental is that different from the purchase, it will be the first time it's happened in my experience. The rental, of course, has the lossless soundtrack and it certainly does not have the content shown in your PVA peak hold.


If the rental can't be counted on to have the same content bandwidth, that's a problem because having to buy the disc to see what's on the soundtrack is unacceptable.

Sorry bosso but it wouldn't be the first time for me seeing a big difference say between a TRUEHD track compared to the ac3 track of the same movie


I remember one that you and I had a big difference and you had gif'd both comparisons and they looked very different


Just as a FYI I will only graph the best audio of a Blu-ray Disc

I also rip my movies and only keep the high end audio on my rips



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Haha guys.  Thanks.


I remember my friend Coach2369 on AVS told me I needed to add John Wick to my demo list (for shows).  Needless to say I thought it was an awesome demo for subs but definitely wasn't going on the demo list.  Sounds like I'll enjoy DeadPool at home with the wife.  :)

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I saw Scarface when I was 13 so really, who am I to talk.  I almost fainted, but I still saw it  :lol:


If I knew you better I'd make a not so witty joke about that explaining a whole bunch about you...but I don't know you well enough so disregard. :D

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Sorry bosso but it wouldn't be the first time for me seeing a big difference say between a TRUEHD track compared to the ac3 track of the same movie


I remember one that you and I had a big difference and you had gif'd both comparisons and they looked very different


Just as a FYI I will only graph the best audio of a Blu-ray Disc

I also rip my movies and only keep the high end audio on my rips




Yes, I've seen differences in a DVD vs the BluRay version and posted the graphs. Master & Commander comes to mind, but the BR came out years after the DVD.


The GOE rental was a BR so the question here is whether or not the BR rental has a different mix than the purchased BR. They shouldn't be different other than possibly the level.


Does anyone have the peak hold PVA graph of the rental BR to compare with your graph?

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I am really a well adjusted guy so I don't know how my remark would give you insight into who I am. I hope your were not being serious, hence the smiley face.


Just having some fun and definitely didn't mean anything. Call it a (complete) failed attempt at humor. :)


I was trying to find a movie that I remember watching with my uncle and dad when I was a kid. It was quite the doozy but I can't figure out the name of it. I could have sworn the actress was Lisa Bonet but i can't find anything on IMDB. It was the type of movie where adults would have been squeamish. Didn't negatively affect me but that movie still sticks out as one I probably shouldn't have watched, ever (no redeeming qualities) much less as a kid. But I'm also well adjusted so rap music, (original) Doom, and questionable movies as a kid didn't seem to affect me. (Queue the people I've met in person on here to chime in otherwise...3, 2, 1). :D

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Just having some fun and definitely didn't mean anything. Call it a (complete) failed attempt at humor. :)


I was trying to find a movie that I remember watching with my uncle and dad when I was a kid. It was quite the doozy but I can't figure out the name of it.

OK.  Cool then  B).  Yea, I think my folks realized afterwords that maybe that wasn't the best movie to go to that night  :P.

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Full BW effects simply don't give good 'Level' ratings with the current rating scheme. This is why I am including ZRMS, LeqZ, and ZPeak dB numbers. Brave comes in at 118.9dB ZRMS Peak. That's second only to TDKR. I think once I can get Z-weighted dB levels for all the films, we can re-do the Level Star Rating to be based on the Z-weighted dB numbers....


Today's measurement:


HALO4:Forward Unto Dawn:


Level - 3 Stars (107.71dB composite)

Extension - 5 Stars (6Hz)

Dynamics - 4 Stars (25.59dB)

Execution - A lot of cheese to sift through, but well done bass when it counted, and they saved the best for last. 4 Stars.


Overall - 4 Stars


Recommendation - Rent. Bad acting, not so good storyline, but if you are a HALO fan, worth a watch.





Finally managed to snare Halo4: Forward Unto Dawn for nice and cheap :)


Watched it at the weekend - the Execution comment is spot on, being cheeeeeeeese-tastic for most of it :lol: but quite good fun, with a great ending bass-wise!


Had to watch it with Dynamic EQ off on the AVR due to it being late at night and the neighbours who never go out being in :rolleyes: so will watch again with Dynamic EQ very definitely 'On' when they do actually have an hour out of the bloody flat...

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dgage, that movie with LIsa B was called Angel Heart and yes, that ranks up there with being an extreme movie.  Even though Robert De Niro was really good.

Aww yes, I see it now located on Lisa Bonet's IMDB credits between an after school special and A Different World. Quite the departure, which it seems many child actors try to do to shock people into opening their casting options outside of family oriented movies. It worked. :). I guess I need to try to watch it again and as I wondered where I could possibly watch it, apparently the full movie is on YouTube. Having 13 year old, boy and girl twins, it doesn't make me happy that a movie like that is available on YouTube.

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Completely O/T, where is Japandave?


I've not been on AVS for ages so I don't know if he's still around?



I am good down around there. I have a room mode @ 25hz, but EQ does take care of it pretty well.


My in room response,


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Completely O/T, where is Japandave?


I've not been on AVS for ages so I don't know if he's still around?



I haven't seen him post on avs for some time either...but, I kinda just stick to threads that friends open or are pretty long in the tooth and relatively drama-free...

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