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The Bass EQ for Movies Thread


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The configuration files maxmercy posted are for the nanoavr only. 


Other minidsp products can be used for eq, and you can do the eq on the subwoofer system alone.

To get good results with eq on the sub system you should run bass management for all channels.

No, it will not be exactly like individual eq on all channels, but with proper bass management it will be very close for many soundtracks.


The bass eq entries I made have descriptions for minidsp filters, mostly low-shelve.

Those filter coefficients are compatible for all minidsp products.


I have testet a couple of movies running Bass EQ on the subwoofer minidsp, it works very well.



That will be my project for this weekend. I'm pretty excited to hear the results.

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The Matrix:


A great film that gets better with BassEQ, and only has one correction for all channels, so it works VERY well for those that have a miniDSP only for the subwoofer out.


All Channels:


1. Gain -7dB

2. Shelf Filter 27.5Hz, Q .7916, Gain +5dB

3. Shelf Filter 27.5Hz, Q .7916, Gain +5dB

4. Shelf Filter 27.5Hz, Q .7916, Gain +5dB

5. Shelf Filter 27.5Hz, Q .7916, Gain +5dB


Go from this:




To This:







nanoAVR .xml file attached.


The Matrix BEQ.xml

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The Matrix BassEQ version is a definite improvement, but you'll likely notice it increases the ULF hum that's present in all the scenes where they're on the Nebuchadnezzar.  Otherwise, a great reversal of the studio's filtering on this one!

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Yes, those sensitive to ULF/Infrasonic sound will notice it for sure.  It was all I could get back given the fact that The Matrix appears to have been recorded/processed at least in part with analog equipment.  Can you believe it is now a 15 year old movie???



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Yes, if you use the nanoAVR settings.  Note that each of the settings I have put forth include a Gain at the beginning, usually -7dB.  If for any reason there is a burst or sound above the maximum allowed by 7.1 (128dB), when played back at reference (+7dBRef in most cases) I will let you guys know.


For those not using nanoAVR, I cannot make any such guarantees, as you cannot increase the headroom before the signal gets to your AVR by 'turning it down', like I do within nanoAVR before boost.  Some AVRs have 'input level' settings even for HDMI, and you may be able to do it that way. 


There is significant content that was not there in the original presentation, so be careful.  If your system cannot handle what 7.1 can dish out at your preferred listening level,  start at lower volume and creep up.


I will put a 'worst case scenario' and test disc together at some point so that people can adequately assess their systems for headroom, hopefully sometime this winter.



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Is putting these settings into a minidsp safe? Doesn't this kill your amp headroom

Not necessarily.


Note that this is not just a bass-boost.

The level of the signal that gets amplfied is very low to begin with - that is why we do the Bass EQ.

This low-level signal is then amplified up to match the level of the rest.

In many cases you will find that the overall peak level has not changed much at all, after applying the Bass EQ.

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Man of Steel BassEQ:


To go from this:




To this:




Apply the following:




1. Gain -7dB

2. Low Shelf 27.5Hz, Q of 0.707, and Gain +6dB

3. Low Shelf 27.5Hz, Q of 0.707, and Gain +6dB

4. Low Shelf 27.5Hz, Q of 0.707, and Gain +5dB

5. Low Shelf 27.5Hz, Q of 0.707, and Gain +5dB




1. Gain -7dB

2. Low Shelf 20Hz, Q of 0.868, Gain of +5dB

3. Low Shelf 20Hz, Q of 0.868, Gain of +5dB

4. Low Shelf 20Hz, Q of 0.868, Gain of +5dB

5. Low Shelf 20Hz, Q of 0.868, Gain of +5dB

6. Low Shelf 40Hz, Q of 0.5, Gain of +3dB


SIGNIFICANT improvement.  That 1Hz spike is not noise, and is a discrete effect encoded at 1:24:14.  A challenge to all of those ULF-capable.


I'll attach a nanoAVR .xml file soon.





Man of Steel BEQ.xml

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Not really.  You will not end up with the same result as I have posted above with the multiple correction curves, like in MoS.  It will be different, but may also be better than the original, too hard to say, as with the 2x4, you will be essentially applying the same curve to all the channels, and I customize curves for each channel (within reason).


For the films with a single correction like The Matrix, it should work well, but go up in volume carefully, as some of the boosts are pretty large.



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One of these, if you have a BluRay player that decodes DTS and Dolby to 7.1 LPCM (not all of them do, and some that do, downmix to 2Ch):




It is what I put up .xml files for.  Simply connect via USB, load the .xml file into one of the 4 available slots on the nanoAVR, and watch the film.


It does all of its processing in the digital realm, no D-A or A-D conversions, and it has HDMI in/out.


Otherwise, HTPC software like JRMC prior to AVR, or another DSP solution.





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If you already have the 2x4 you can already try the setting maxmercy posted.


Assuming the dsp is on the subwoofer system, apply all the filters listed for the lfe channel.

This will leave out some of the gain for the rerouted bass from l/r channels (because the filter required for those are different from the lfe), but should still give you an idea of what kind of improvement this is.


But be carfeful, those are very high gains in the ulf frequency range, make sure you don't accidentally play something like WOTW or Kon-Tiki, and try it out at a lower mater volume level first. 

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