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The Low Frequency Content Thread (films, games, music, etc)


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Yes a great moment. Kremlin explosion also very impressive. Took a look at the list of movies at the beginning of this thread and dug up whatever I hadn't watched in the 4.75 category. Nube had done a brief on it too giving it a good wrap. Pleasant surprise and probably the best one in the series IMO.

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Seventh Son (7.1 DTS-HD MA)


Level        - 4 Stars (110.81dB composite)
Extension - 4 Stars (10.5Hz)
Dynamics - 5 Stars (28.56dB)

Execution - 4 Stars (by poll)


Overall     - 4.25 Stars

Recommendation - Rent (by poll)





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Paddington (5.1 DTS-HD MA)


Level        - 1 Star (102.53dB composite)

Extension - 3 Stars (19Hz)

Dynamics - 4 Stars (25.72dB)

Execution - 3 Stars (by poll)


Overall     - 2.75 Stars

Recommendation - Rent (by poll)


Notes:  I didn't notice the big scene that I think I've read mentioned elsewhere.  If anyone has a timestamp, I'll scenecap it.





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American Sniper (7.1 TrueHD)


Level        - 2 Stars (107.25dB composite)

Extension - 3 Stars (17Hz)

Dynamics - 5 Stars (28.19dB)

Execution - 3 Stars (by poll)


Overall     - 3.25 Stars

Recommendation - Rent (by poll)


Notes:  Fairly disappointing bass, with the only real content in the first 30min of the movie.  Also thought the movie was decent, not great.





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The Man With the Iron Fists 2 (5.1 DTS-HD MA)


Level        - 3 Stars (109.09dB composite)

Extension - 5 Stars (3Hz)

Dynamics - 4 Stars (26.87dB)

Execution - 2 Stars (by poll)


Overall     - 3.5 Stars

Recommendation - Avoid (by poll)


Notes:  Although the movie quality is approximately the same as the first, the sound design is not.  The content is rolled off below 30Hz aside from one or two effects.  It's not a steep slope, but this sequel doesn't have nearly the deep bass pedigree of the first.  While there's a fair amount of bass, it's not deep.





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The Admiral: Roaring Currents (Korean 5.1 DTS-HD MA)


Level        - 4 Stars (110.98dB composite)

Extension - 5 Stars (1Hz)

Dynamics - 3 Stars (24.97dB)

Execution - 5 Stars


Overall     - 4.25 Stars


Recommendation - Rent


Notes:  Although probably only Bosso can reproduce this thing's deepest content, be careful because the hottest moments are all below 5Hz.  Not a dynamic mix, because of so much constant content, but it's the definition of full-bandwidth.





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The Admiral: Roaring Currents (Korean 5.1 DTS-HD MA)


Level        - 4 Stars (110.98dB composite)

Extension - 5 Stars (1Hz)

Dynamics - 3 Stars (24.97dB)

Execution - TBD


Overall     - TBD


Recommendation - TBD


Notes:  Although probably only Bosso can reproduce this thing's deepest content, be careful because the hottest moments are all below 5Hz.  Not a dynamic mix, because of so much constant content, but it's the definition of full-bandwidth.






Wow :blink:


That looks like a beast - Bosso or Madaeel need to get on the case with the SL screencaps ;)



Would you be able to confirm what region the disk is?  No mention of it on UK Amazon, other than it's an import  :rolleyes:



Thanks for adding more for voting! :)

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The Admiral: Roaring Currents is Region A, using the Korean language track for measurements.  I didn't even look at the English dubbed track - what's the point?


If you guys love action, this movie is it!  It's like what we all thought M&C should be, but never was, even in all of its 6.1 DTS-ES glory.

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Hahaha, yeah really.  What's up Diogenes, good to see you here buddy!  I'm listening to Veronex Cypher right now.  I love music with low stuff like this D, keep em comin. 


I've enclosed a shot of Veronex Cypher at around 40 seconds in.  It looks to me like speclab is doubling the frequency of the fundamentals on your end.  I've run into this before with speclab.  Are you running your computer at 96K?  make sure the settings in SL as far as the bit depth/sample rate are all set the same as they are in your soundcard properties.  If that doesn't work, go to the FFT properties and change the decimate input number.  See if that tricks it into working right.  Using REW's generator is an easy test.  Just loop your out to in and run the sine generator and open SL to see if it is agreeing with it. 


Belated thanks much, Shred, for the warm welcome!


I'm sorry about up and disappearing like that, but some major medical stuff went down (or rather got a great deal worse) in my family right after posting that's kept me otherwise occupied.


Before I had even posted, my soundcard had up and died, so my information was a tad on the old side. Trying it again now that I've a new soundcard is giving me the same problems and then some as in harmonics and sub-harmonics showing when I run a known test tone and bass sweeps. (Bass sweeps are interesting for that, they form crossing diamond patterns in SpecLab for me.) Odd stuff. I've tried what you said to do and can shift the spectrum up and down in frequency, but the harmonic garbage is still there. Even without it, I'd have trust issues with the data since I'd be choosing where I want the data to show rather than it being a direct measure of what it really is. This has garnered in me a new appreciation for an important thing about SpecLab: that one must really know the program well to get waterfalls that can't be misinterpreted by the user or others. (I trust the waterfalls here, but wonder how many others posted elsewhere that might be up to these calibration issues.) (Truth be told, I'm surprised REW doesn't have a simplified variation of the function by this point. Seems like it'd have been one of the first features to add.)


Just to check, I did run some of these through Audacity.


Dahlia's Tears - "Radiation"





Looks like you were spot on about my doubling the fundamental as Audacity is showing half the frequency there. It's off the chart, but the cursor says -7dB at 4Hz for the signal. I'd appreciate if you could sanity check me on this, but only if it's not any trouble. Look here for that(Password is what the HS in SI's HS-24 stands for, all lower case and one word. I bet you know that one.) Be cautious with that one, it's not a few quick seconds of deep material like with a movie or the occasional bumps of dub step. That sub-10Hz signal (whatever it's true frequency is) lasts for a solid seven minutes. Different beast that, much harder on electronics and voice coils; it had a LMS-U giving the clank of doom straight off and at a fairly low playback level. (Made a dive for the volume control on that one before it became an expensive mistake. That's not a driver to play something like this on without a HPF in place or system rolloff acting as a safety margin.)


For a few of the others I mentioned...


Dahlia's Tear - "Surullinen Kyyhkynen"





DT's - "Scarlet Ad Infinitum"




Bit boring with that 15Hz material being the stronger component, practically midbass there.


Bola - "Veronex Cypher"




I don't know what YouTube showed you for the low end, but I suspect it was trimmed a bit.


Bola - "VM8"




These Audacity spectra do seem to have some correlation to what I'm hearing, but how reliable are they?


This has been fun. If these are at all worthwhile and if I've more time, I'll try to find some of my other deeper material.


I love this, it is a great 2-word description of the place now.  If all the new crew would search the archives, they would just stfu and learn.


Love the music contributions.  Some of those are true system-testers.  Keep 'em coming.




 Thanks, Max. Seems that things have declined all the further from what I can see at a quick refresher glance with a half-dozen of the same forum personalities dominating and anyone who disagrees getting aggressively shouted down.  I've not seen such teenage girl cliquish behavior since I was teaching highschoolers. (Of course, the atmosphere has become so homogeneous in thinking that those who are the problem can no longer see it nor their role in it.) Ah well, no reason to sit at that cafeteria table.

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Jupiter Ascending (7.1 TrueHD)


Level        - 5 Stars (113.94dB composite)

Extension - 5 Stars (6Hz)

Dynamics - 4 Stars (26.76dB)

Execution - 5 Stars (by poll)


Overall     - 4.75 Stars


Recommendation - Buy (by poll)


Notes:  Lots of bass.  Some clipping, but not egregious or really noticeable while watching. Pretty mediocre movie.





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These Audacity spectra do seem to have some correlation to what I'm hearing, but how reliable are they?


Hey man, sorry to hear about the medical stuff.  A string of my family members have logged some ER time lately too and few things are less fun. 


As far as speclab goes, there is a bug that I know about for the latest version where if your system runs 24bit audio, you have to select 16bit in the settings on SL or it will give you all kinds of crazy noise and stuff.  Maybe it's that? 


I don't know about audacity but you can loop your soundcard's out to in, use REW to generate different sine tones and see if they register at the same levels on the graph in Audacity. 

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Hi.  Question: I'd like to help out on graphing, but I'm having some issues understanding exactly how the 'level' category is calculated.  Would someone be able to fill me in using the peak/average graph for Jupiter Ascending above?  Specifically, where are the three numbers used for the average are coming from on that chart?  Peak level is pretty obvious, but what about the two RMS numbers?



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