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The Low Frequency Content Thread (films, games, music, etc)


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The problem in the rating system lies in the fact that the 0-10Hz region is rated just as equally as the 150-160Hz region, dB-Hz wise.....

HTTYD rolls off the upper bass freqs that films like Thor, Looper, and WotW leave in, hence it not receiving 5-Star Level.

No rating system is perfect. I think the one here is miles ahead of the stuff we broke away from at AVS, but a single overall rating doesn't tell the whole story.....

I'll post a ranking of films by 2-20Hz content with 2-10Hz weighted 2:1 over 10-20Hz. I think all of the heavy hitters will be there.


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The rating system here is great, and yeah, miles ahead for sure. Please, in no way am I suggesting otherwise. I only commented because of comments soliciting opinion. I don't feel compelled to even suggest change, I'm delighted to have access to this forum and it's devoted contributors.   



I stated; "may need to reflect this in some way" that's all, how? I don't know.



I'm not a ULF fan, I'm just a straight up fan  :)  


Thanks for everything,

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The rating system here is great, and yeah, miles ahead for sure. Please, in no way am I suggesting otherwise. I only commented because of comments soliciting opinion. I don't feel compelled to even suggest change, I'm delighted to have access to this forum and it's devoted contributors.   



I stated; "may need to reflect this in some way" that's all, how? I don't know.



I'm not a ULF fan, I'm just a straight up fan  :)  


Thanks for everything,

+1. Great, great, work to all!  :D

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For those who didn't catch it due to the page turnover, here's the Top ULF movies list;





Transformers 1&2 are just below Iron Man.  As you can see, all of the heavies are here, but Thor, Avengers and M&C BD are not, due to highpassing.



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Do you have all this ULF data in a tabular format (excel)? Can you share the data with the group? I'd be interested in the raw data and then trying to back into a formula for my own personal preference.


Example: I prefer Recall over Looper...it would be interesting to have the data to see if there is any empirical information to why I have that preference.

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Yes, all PvA data is in Excel. PM me for more info. Dredd and Gamer maybe tonight.


LionsGate had HD Audio and 3D for Dredd on Netflix......maybe the complaints changed some minds.....


Curiously, The Bourne Legacy offers a DTS-HDMA 7.1 'home mix' and a DTS 5.1 'theatrical mix'.....will be interesting to compare them...



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Level - 4 Stars (110.3dB composite)

Extension - 5 Stars (3Hz)

Dynamics - 5 Stars (27.73dB)

Execution - 5 Stars - Reminded me a LOT of Total Recall's sound.  Great unfiltered track.


Overall - A solid 4.75 Stars


Recommendation - Buy.  This film was a sleeper.  I really liked it, and it was very true to the source material.  I really wish I had a 3D projector/TV just for this film.





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 I really wish I had a 3D projector/TV just for this film.


Not so impressive.

Weight is given to depth instead of ''forwardness'',although some of the slow-mo shot are indeed quite impressive.

Also picture is a bit soft(intentionaly?)and colours a bit muffled.No way near pixar's or disney's cartoons.

But an excellent movie,more similar to the comic than previous Dredd.Although i thought Stalone to be better as Dredd :o ,at least during the time he was with the helmet on.


End of off-topic.

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Total Recall:


Level - 4 Stars (265.31dBHz)

Extension - 5 Stars (2Hz)

Dynamics - 4 Stars (25.3dB)

Execution - 4 Stars - mainly for repetitive sound effects. While I enjoy downward sweeps, there were way too many of them. My fav part was the initial shoot out at the Rekall location, with the wild pulls and zooms throughout the room, as well as the car chase.


Overall - A solid 4.25 Stars.


Recommendation - Buy for the Bass,Rent for the story. You may want to buy it, but not everyone is into dystopian thrillers.


This is a full bandwidth track, but held back a bit in level and dynamics. This may have been a home mix, or not. Hard to tell. Definitely not WotT kid's table mix, though.





DareDevil is in the queue.


But I have an announcement: 2012 ended with a BANG. Here's Looper:








Level - 5 Stars (268.76)

Extension - 5 Stars (2 Hz)

Dynamics - 5 Stars (28.2dB)

Execution - 5 Stars - This film has it all, the sub-20Hz stuff was used sparingly and effectively, some great upper bass punch as well. it curiously looks like Underworld:Awakening, with the 28Hz spike in Avg level. I am glad 2012 rebounded with a few excellent MWBs.


LeqZ - 95.8dB

RMS Peak - 116.3dB


Overall - 5 STARS!


Recommendation - I say Buy. This is a very unique take on time travel, and it is not just a graphics festival.






Dominguez, here are Total Recall and Looper compared:



Thanks JSS. I guess I'm going to have to rent Looper again to see what I'm missing. I watched it with the wife at -12 MV. If a particular scene caught my LFE interest, then I'd replay at reference after finishing the movie. Nothing really caught my 'ear' the first round...from the looks of the ratings, it should have!


Perhaps it's just the scenes that Bosso grabbed? But just comparing the scenes above between Recall and Looper, you would think Recall would definitely be the better ULF film when comparing the two.


Does anyone else feel this way?

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Level - 4 Stars (111.69dB composite)

Extension - 5 Stars (2Hz)

Dynamics - 5 Stars (27.98dB)

Execution - 4 Stars, see Infrasonic's post below.


Overall - 4.5 Stars


Recommendation - Rent.  Good bass film, not a great film, though.  Again I defer to Infrasonic's comments.





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Hot Fuzz:


Level - 4 Stars (112.06dB)

Extension - 5 Stars (5Hz)

Dynamics - 4 Stars (26.07dB)

Execution - 4 Stars - This film leaves precious little on the table, but just not on par with the real heavies.  This can be changed to 5 Stars if enough people say so.


Overall - A solid 4.25 Stars


Recommendation - BUY.  I really like Edgar Wright's work, but others may cringe.





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Hot Fuzz:


Level - 5 Stars (270.15dB)

Extension - 5 Stars (3Hz)

Dynamics - 4 Stars (25.7dB)

Execution - 4 Stars - This film leaves precious little on the table, but just not on par with the real heavies.  This can be changed to 5 Stars if enough people say so.


Overall - A solid 4.5 Stars


Recommendation - Rent.  I really like Edgar Wright's work, but others may cringe, so I say Rent.


RMS Peak: 116.1dB

LeqZ: 97.9dB




Oh come on now - it's a good watch. I own it....  The actual movie may not suit everyone, but it definitely has a surprising amount of bottom end.


Kept my lil pea-shooters working for the whole movie. 

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Curiously, The Bourne Legacy offers a DTS-HDMA 7.1 'home mix' and a DTS 5.1 'theatrical mix'.....will be interesting to compare them...



I watched the RedBox Blu-ray and it only had a DTS-HDMA 5.1 audio track.


About a month ago I rewatched Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. It has some very nice bass and is listed as a 5 star movie at AVS. It might be worth adding to the queue. 

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Thanks JSS. I guess I'm going to have to rent Looper again to see what I'm missing. I watched it with the wife at -12 MV. If a particular scene caught my LFE interest, then I'd replay at reference after finishing the movie. Nothing really caught my 'ear' the first round...from the looks of the ratings, it should have!


Perhaps it's just the scenes that Bosso grabbed? But just comparing the scenes above between Recall and Looper, you would think Recall would definitely be the better ULF film when comparing the two.


Does anyone else feel this way?


It was for me but Recall was more 'action' oriented ie more of it for longer periods of time. Both are equally good for thier storylines. imho

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The Bourne Legacy 5.1 DTS:


Level - 2 Stars (260.74dBHz)

Extension - 5 Stars (9Hz)

Dynamics - 5 Stars (32.3dB)

Execution - 4 Stars - Good, but not excellent.  Great use of dynamics, but that means that loud effects few and far between.


Overall - 4 Stars


Recommendation - Buy if a Bourne fan.


RMS Peak: 117.4dB

LeqZ: 89.8dB



The Bourne Legacy 7.1 DTS-HDMA:


Level - 4 Stars (110.5dB)

Extension - 3 Stars (18Hz)

Dynamics - 5 Stars (32.03dB)

Execution - 4 Stars


Overall - 4 Stars


Recommendation - Buy if a Bourne fan.




RMS Peak: 114.9dB

LeqZ: 87.3dB


Comparison graph attached.







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Anyone have Execution and Recommendations for Gamer (above)?



I'd say a 'Rent' as it's a pretty good bass flick, almost constant bass, but not excellent. It's not a movie for everybody.


Execution would be ~4 from me. I thought it was well done, decent dynamics, usage and extension. Throbbing soundtrack. It is what it is.

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