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Big thanks to SME for fixing the images


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SME worked very hard yesterday and today to write a custom python script which used the invision rest API to iterate each post, find issues, and fix broken <a> tags which had the url assigned to the incorrect parent tag.

Invision was unable to perform the bulk fix, so we had to create a custom solution to get it done.  If anyone finds anything else wrong with links or images please let me know, but as of now, the broken thumbnails should all be fixed!



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On 3/22/2018 at 12:57 PM, Kyle said:

SME worked very hard yesterday and today to write a custom python script which used the invision rest API to iterate each post, find issues, and fix broken <a> tags which had the url assigned to the incorrect parent tag.

Invision was unable to perform the bulk fix, so we had to create a custom solution to get it done.  If anyone finds anything else wrong with links or images please let me know, but as of now, the broken thumbnails should all be fixed!



I don't know what any of that means but..... thank you SME for the help. :D

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