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The Low Frequency Content Thread (films, games, music, etc)


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LOL, I wasn't a fan of FA either. Didn't want to sway anyone's opinion about it though. While it had a lot of bass, I found it to be more heavy handed than PR. At least with PR, they just used it to reinforce the impression of mass anytime something big was onscreen.


With many horror movies, they use bass/ELF at certain points to heighten tension. FA just had it all over the place throughout the movie. Perfect example of "loads of bass don't make a movie worth watching" for me, but obviously other people have different opinions and preferences.


Heck, I thought This is The End was the worst movie I've seen in a while and wouldn't want it if someone gave it to me for free, but apparently, quite a few people think it's a laugh riot. I didn't laugh once watching it, and you couldn't pay me $20 to sit through it again.




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The Internship (5.1 DTS-HD MA)

Level        - 2 Stars (105.00dB composite)
Extension - 3 Stars (17Hz)
Dynamics - 5 Stars (28.36dB)
Execution - 2 Stars (by poll)


Overall     - 3 Stars

Recommendation - Rent (by poll)


Notes:  Finally got roped into viewing this one, then figured I'd measure it because it's got a few bass scenes.  However, let me stress that it's not a bass film, and it's not very good.  The bass scenes are either part of the score, or they're sound effects that are used and reused.  The bass content is very, very low level and isn't used very artfully.  Overall, a complete snooze-fest.  I don't know if Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn were ever funny, but don't they realize what trash movies they've "starred" in for the last 10+ years?





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The Wolverine (7.1 DTS-HD MA Theatrical)

Level        - 2 Stars (105.22dB composite)
Extension - 5 Stars (1Hz)
Dynamics - 4 Stars (27.44dB)
Execution - See Below

Recommendation - See Below


Notes: The Wolverine has two releases - the theatrical cut and the unleashed extended edition, neither one of which seems to have an obvious filter - great job Hollywood!  The theatrical is the one I viewed, and seems to have a solid mix with good use of LFE to support the on-screen action.  The low level isn't really problematic - turn it up if you find it lacking.  Overall a very good mix with generally appropriate dynamics, though a fair amount left on the table by the mixers.  The movie isn't my thing, but it'll likely be an enjoyable ride for Xmen fans.






The Wolverine (7.1 DTS-HD MA Unleashed Extended Edition)


Level        - 2 Stars (106.1dB composite)
Extension - 5 Stars (1Hz)
Dynamics - 5 Stars (27.85dB)
Execution - 4 Stars (by poll)


Overall     - 4 Stars


Recommendation - Buy (by poll)


Notes: The extended cut scenes add a little more level overall, and bump the dynamics score up to 5 stars.  It looks like the extended scenes are the only changes to the track, although one of them seems to cut some from a scene that's in the theatrical and replace it with "extended" content, removing that big 20Hz whomp, and but replacing it with scenes including greater extension.  This is why you get the extended cut, in theory.






Here's an animation showing both measurements.  The theatrical has that big 20Hz peak, but the extended...has greater extension:






Hiroshima Nuke Explosion (Extended version)



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The Mortal Instruments - City of Bones (5.1 DTS-HD MA)

Level        - 3 Stars (107.57dB composite)
Extension - 5 Stars (1Hz)
Dynamics - 5 Stars (31.02dB)

Execution - 4 Stars (by poll)


Overall     - 4.25 Stars

Recommendation - Rent (by poll)


Notes: Yet another unfiltered release!  I'm feeling lucky after seeing two in one week!  Honestly, though, this movie leaves quite a bit on the table in terms of level, but doesn't suffer too much, with big amounts of ELF (extremely low frequency) content.  There are many scenes that have strong content from 1-7Hz, but most of the hottest is from 1-4Hz, so only the fortunate few will be able to reproduce it. Not much ingenuity in the design other than that ELF content.  As for the movie, it's a teen girl action flick trying to capitalize on the Twilight series' momentum.  It's really not something I'd recommend for anyone other than the target demographic, and I doubt many of them read this forum.  A definite rental!





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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire:


Level - 3 Stars (107.5dB composite)

Extension - 5 Stars (8Hz)

Dynamics - 5 Stars (31.72dB)

Execution - TBD


Overall - TBD


Recommendation - TBD


Notes - One of my favs in the series.




Is this the Dolby Digital or the PCM track?

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I'd say go for it if you're a fan of The Wolverine and/or X-men IP.  In my case, I'm not terribly, but it's still pretty well made...with solid to really good sound design overall.  That's how I felt about the X-men movies, too, and they're all in my stable.

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Paranoia (5.1 DTS-HD MA)

Level        - 3 Stars (108.1dB composite)
Extension - 5 Stars (8Hz)
Dynamics - 5 Stars (32.71dB)
Execution - 4 Stars (by poll)


Overall     - 4.25 Stars

Recommendation - Rent (by poll)


Notes: Looks like Liam's movies don't get the same HPF treatment as his older brother Chris (from The Avengers, Thor, etc.).  And Liam's roles aren't as good!  However, the bass is pretty legit.  Good use of the entire LFE bandwidth in the movie, and great dynamics, though it was never very loud.  There's real content below 15Hz pretty frequently, and the stuff used above that is also well-designed.  I couldn't find any clipping in the bass content at all.  I didn't think it was as bad as it's IMDb score of 5.1, but it also has zero rewatchability.  :)  This one's a rental, even for the last Gen X'ers that comprise its intended audience.





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Attack the Block is in a deadlock between 4 and 5 Stars...vote!


Here's an oldy but goody (for its time):


Saving Private Ryan:


Level - 3 Stars (107.67dB composite)

Extension - 1 Star (26Hz)

Dynamics - 4 Stars (26.22dB)

Execution - A solid 4 Stars.  Great film for its time.  I think the theatrical cut had more to it than the BD....


Overall - 3 Stars.


Recommendation - Buy it because it is a great film.  





Is the Bluray the one on the left and DVD (Dolby Digital) on the right?    I still don't own the bluray but have the Dolby Digital DVD.

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The Fast and the Furious 6 (5.1 DTS-HD MA)

Level        - 4 Stars (111.1 dB composite)
Extension - 3 Stars (19Hz)
Dynamics - 5 Stars (27.97dB)
Execution - 3 Stars (by poll)


Overall     - 3.75 Stars

Recommendation - Rent (by poll)


Notes:  The RMS graph (red trace) below shows a mix that looks made precisely to coincide with a 20Hz ported sub. How uncanny, right?  About the same as its forebears, the latest installment of Fast and Furious gets faster and furiouser.  With pretty standard sound design that filtered out the super low stuff entirely, it's not a terrible track, but it does contain some clipped content in the LCR and sub channel.  It's not egregious, but it's there on many of the high octane engine and tire squealing sounds. Guess this'll be the last in the series, with Paul's death.  Oh well.  Not my cup o' tea, anyway.





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