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The Low Frequency Content Thread (films, games, music, etc)


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Yeah it is quiet, but looking at the draught of LFE content in recently released movies I am not suprised.


I've actually been revisiting most of the 5-4.25 movies, and it sure feels good to have a bit of sofa rumble back in my life. Also found a few sleeper movies... Can't remember them all, but the most recent one was The Exam.


Didn't like the movie very much as the ending left much to be desired, but many did enjoy it. Similar to Phonebooth/Devil in terms of cinematography, but the bass reminds me of Pulse Server Room, powerful rumble/throbbing effects. Short movie, worth a shot.


I've skipped through SW, focusing on the possible stand-out LFE scenes, and as per usual there seems to be a roll-off... That being said my schedule only allows for previews on low volume. Perhaps tomorrow I can cut lose, and bump it up to -15 dB

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Also found a few sleeper movies... Can't remember them all, but the most recent one was The Exam.


Didn't like the movie very much as the ending left much to be desired, but many did enjoy it. Similar to Phonebooth/Devil in terms of cinematography, but the bass reminds me of Pulse Server Room, powerful rumble/throbbing effects. Short movie, worth a shot.



Is it this one?





If so, I think I'll pick one of the cheapies up secondhand :)

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I just walked out of BVS with a big smile on my face knowing there could potentially be a new TIH-like movie heading our way. There is every reason to back up the final showdown with tremendous bass, and hopefully the mixing team does recognise the potential.


As for the movie itself... I won't go into detail, but I thought it lacked on many levels. In the end just another simple-minded action movie with forced emotions and plot. If you're not a fan of DC you may as well just sit this one out

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Just keep in mind that this is a Zack Snyder film. Judging by this forum he has a pretty bad track record so I wouldn't get your hopes up. No doubt the bass was loud, but it likely isn't very deep

Yeah I'm familiar with his track record, I was kind of insinuating it when I said hopefully the mixing team, this time at least, sort their sh*t out... Would be nice to add more demo material to the collection.




As for the bass being loud and not deep, it was neither. Never been impressed with the cinema audio quality, it just simply doesn't compare to a decent home system. Video quality was also disappointing. With the movie excessively going for a dark and gloomy imagery, the washed blacks were an eye strain. Those clowns haven't got anything setup right :)

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Modern "state of the art" cinemas can be a rather repulsive experience I'm afraid. With all that money invested in audio and video one would expect at least a little bit of low bass and not the bright, harsh, eardrum-shattering mess they call "immersive sound" these days. And those washed-out blacks (light greys, I mean) don't make things no better. 

Naah, I'd rather stay home. It comes with the bonus of not having idiots all around you with beeping phones and annoying laughs. 

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Home is nice but if you can find a theater with a decent sound system (and they are around) there's still occasions where that experience can't be beat.  It pays to do your homework though as I agree that most commercial theaters aren't all that great outside of being incredibly loud.

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If that graph is right then maybe there's hope. 



A new hope?  :P


See what I did there? Star Wars jokes are my favorite.


I am glad this one looks so promising though, and from those I know that have heard the home mix (lucky buggers), they said it's nothing short of fantastic. A breath of fresh air. We won't be uttering "I find your lack of bass disturbing" while watching this flick. Sorry.....I couldn't help myself.... :D

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Oh cmon!


Since this mix seems to be so nice, perhaps the next two movies will just be a few Leia-ups for the sound crew. 

First, that initial chart looks good to me.  I am looking forward to seeing the numbers on this site.

Second, I appreciate what you're saying here  :D .

Now I just hope that the measurements show that it does not have insane clipping.  But from feedback, it seems that it does not.

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First, that initial chart looks good to me.  I am looking forward to seeing the numbers on this site.

Second, I appreciate what you're saying here  :D .

Now I just hope that the measurements show that it does not have insane clipping.  But from feedback, it seems that it does not.



Not from what I have heard. After STID, that means we can't put SOLO judgment on JJ Abrams for being the deciding factor here :)

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