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Subwoofer Advice help me choose


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Okay so I'm in the market for subs either already built or a little DIY and some elbow grease.  Some of the contenders I'm thinking of are the Captivator 4000, RS2, and Captivator Pro18, Bassboss ZV28 or building some meaty Eminence 21 Ipals, BC21DS115's, SHS24's. I'd like some graphs measurements from the Captivator 4000, RS2, and Pro18 but couldn't find them anywhere to help me make an informed decision. The subs are going to be for both theater and music playback. I love the idea of very low port tunings and high SPL.

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I would start by defining a few things that will help others give you advice. 


Room size shape?

Maximum size / dimensions available for the subs?

Multiple locations available for the sub?

How loud do you plan to listen? Rock concert levels or more modest typical home playback levels?

What experience do you have with powerful bass systems? What is your reference for the sound you want?

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Hey Ricci, its an honor.


Budget is $10K tops but If I can come in lower, perfect. Getting my hands amps shouldn't be a problem as I have access to those already. I am going to be playing pretty loud. 

I've built a few subs before, and once you go low, it does get addicting hearing and feeling things on subs you couldn't before. My modeling skills aren't the best, but I have some knowledge. As far as size, I have about 6ft tall by 5feet to work with on both sides of the room. 

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  • 1 month later...


I have some questions for you before I can answer yours.
First of all, where are you from ? 
What is the main purpose you need these subs? Rental, Live events, DJ, club, or home use?

what type of music are you mostly working with?

yes , I heard BC218 , a pair, they are tremendous subs! But very very large. Really full power at 25 hz

I also heard M-Force drivers in F132 from Funktion one and some prototypes from Powersoft before launching. F132 goes as low, at 25-26 hz

if I would compare BC218 to F132 I would say they have the same extension, same cleanliness, but F132 is louder and BC218 goes higher,it's easier to integrate without kicks .

SKhorn is not tuned as low in native mode. Tuned at 30 hz, the ports are pretty noisy, but the sound is really good. I felt like the sub could benefit from a larger enclosure with larger ports and a bit higher tune, at 32 hz ,  and that's why I chose to make it that way. In essence it's the same sub, if left at 29 hz tuning, it was maybe 1 dB louder which is nothing. I would go for the original design. If you need it for dance and techno etc, then larger is a bit better but not worth the added weight and volume.

but when used with 1/3 of the port closed, it does extend as low as the other two. I think BC218 is 3 dB louder under 30 hz but infinitely more clean . F132 is probably 6 dB louder or so and probably even cleaner.

min skhorn I tried lots of drivers, best was RCF LF21N551 but that's not available anymore. I liked it more than 21Ipal, similar power but sounded deeper. Next choice would be Eminence. 
the new M-Force designs are promising but they are pretty much same as a dual 21" sub, except of EDMsub with dual driver. That's a malefic beast

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I believe you will always get a smashing win when going diy vs commercial bang for buck! There's no competition. I went that way too.

You need 3 SKhorn to meet 2 BC218 over 30 hz , but under 30hz it will be more of a 2 to 1 ratio. If you went lower, the ports would need to be a lot bigger in length and noise would go down. 
f132 goes just up to 60 hz. The new Powersoft designs go to 100.

I think best bang for buck is SKhorn, best smashing output density and wow factor is EDMSub from Powersoft with dual 30" drivers , which is 2 or 3 times more powerful long term than 1 SKhorn. 
Ipal drivers don't go that low even though they are beefed up. Eminence is a bit better that low because of the lower fs IMO 

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  • 2 years later...

Choosing the right subwoofer can be a tough decision, but you've got some great options in mind! The Captivator 4000, RS2, and Pro18 are solid contenders. It'd be awesome to have some graphs and measurements to make an informed choice, right? For your theater and music playback, those low port tunings and high SPLs sound like a fantastic combo! While the thread might be a couple of years old, the quest for the perfect subwoofer never gets old! You could still check out audio forums or websites like d20 roller, where you can find a dice that will help you make the choice.

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Wow, is this a spam post written by ChatGPT?

12 hours ago, Derecaston said:

Choosing the right subwoofer can be a tough decision, but you've got some great options in mind! The Captivator 4000, RS2, and Pro18 are solid contenders. It'd be awesome to have some graphs and measurements to make an informed choice, right? For your theater and music playback, those low port tunings and high SPLs sound like a fantastic combo! While the thread might be a couple of years old, the quest for the perfect subwoofer never gets old! You could still check out audio forums or websites like d20 roller, where you can find a dice that will help you make the choice.


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