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The Low Frequency Content Thread (films, games, music, etc)


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Children of Men (5.1 DTS-HD MA)


Level        - 3 Stars (109.04dB composite)

Extension - 4 Stars (14.5Hz)

Dynamics - 5 Stars (36.47dB)

Execution - 4 Stars


Overall     - 4 Stars


Recommendation - Buy


Notes:  Huge dynamics really make the bass content in this sound a lot bigger than it is.  It's not super deep, being rolled off steadily from the mid-30s.  I really like this movie.





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I didn't know that.  It explains why I thought it sounded like garbage.  I used a lower playback level than I do for almost any film, and I still found it to be uncomfortably loud at times.  It wasn't Star Trek: Into Darkness bad, but it was up there with some of the harshest sound I've heard from a blockbuster movie on my system.  I heard hard clipping in the dialog.  In later louder scenes, many sound effects were so distorted by compression/limiting as to be unintelligible.  Overall, it sounded rushed and amateur to me and made me wonder how the movie won the academy awards for sound.


That this new mix may be closer to the theatrical one is intriguing, even if a lot of the low end is gone.  Frankly, I don't think it added much in the 5.1 track.  I am curious to give this another spin, but like I said, I really didn't like the movie at all.  I hated both of the characters especially and found myself hoping they would die so that the movie would be over.  I thought Interstellar blew Gravity out of the water in pretty much every category.




The 7.1 sounds good to me, this is what they should have released in the first place, most people will not buy another later release just because the soundtrack is changed when they already have seen the film.


The first 29 mins is filtered with a steep cut-off on the 7.1, later scenes have a shelf filter.

Some of the later scenes offer reference quality ulf, you just have to retreive it.

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So what is the verdict on ALVH DTS-HD-MA track on the blu ray? I did a quick search and is it really only a 1 star for level? Looks like Bosso got a different result......what was the verdict on this one? Thanks.

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LFE.1 waterfall of Nostromo, landing on the ALIEN planet. WOW the LFE.1 is deep and high.


This is the stereo track of the bluray for the same scene.




I've always thought that laser discs had better mixes of the old flix!  I remember there was a part in the original ghost busters where Sigourny opens up the fridge and that dog thing said Zuel and it had powerful bass on the laser.  The DVD has zip squat. 

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So what is the verdict on ALVH DTS-HD-MA track on the blu ray? I did a quick search and is it really only a 1 star for level? Looks like Bosso got a different result......what was the verdict on this one? Thanks.


Look again.  The graphic is wrong (old testing methodology), but the numbers are correct if you scroll down. 3 Stars for level.



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This is the stereo track of the bluray for the same scene.




I've always thought that laser discs had better mixes of the old flix!  I remember there was a part in the original ghost busters where Sigourny opens up the fridge and that dog thing said Zuel and it had powerful bass on the laser.  The DVD has zip squat. 

Stereo track?  Does this include the LFE channel?

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Stereo track?  Does this include the LFE channel?

No, I didn't have the stereo track on the BR so this is downmixed to 2ch from surround.  This is the LFE of the surround with a bit hotter of a level.  It's a bit different than the stereo downmix I posted above but pretty much the same.  Doesn't even resemble the laser disc mix here http://data-bass.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/12-the-low-frequency-content-thread-films-games-music-etc/?p=9102



I believe I saw Kval put up a Bass EQ page for this for anyone out there who wants to boost the low end on the bluray for this movie.  http://data-bass.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/285-the-bass-eq-for-movies-thread/?p=5599


For folks that don't know, these are BEQ settings for the people with the HDMI nanoavr.  Andy, you might be interested in this piece of gear so you can get the bluray track of the older flix up to par with the laser discs. 

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K nevermind I'm wrong, I had the wrong input on.  Now Alien looks a lot closer to what Andy had.  I thought I was losing my mind for a minute there. 



Ghostbusters Zuel scene from 5.1 DVD.  Subwoofer out with Andy's settings. 



Pretty close.  It appears Andy has a bit more under 20Hz which may be due to the Dolby SR unit. 

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Hi Maxmercy,


My name is Eric Flament and I work for Eminent Technology.  We produce the TRW-17 rotary woofer.  Your post is really great.  I am working on updating our web page and I stumbled across this website.  Do you mind if I link to this post on our website: http://www.rotarywoofer.com?


Hi Eric,


I just thought I'd jump in to say 'Welcome to the forum' :)



I find this thread to be an excellent resource and an example of great collaborative input from many knowledgeable people, most of whom have probably forgotten more than I will ever learn! :lol:


Your rotary woofers do come up in conversation on here so it's great that you've joined, and that data-bass is being recognised as the excellent resource for empirical analysis that it is.  :)



Just to ask the question, and if it's not too cheeky :P, would you consider sending one to Josh (who owns the site) for testing?  I think it would be awesome to have him add your woofer to the list of drivers he has already tested!


I'll look forward to seeing you around the forum, either way  :)

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Hi Maxmercy,


My name is Eric Flament and I work for Eminent Technology.  We produce the TRW-17 rotary woofer.  Your post is really great.  I am working on updating our web page and I stumbled across this website.  Do you mind if I link to this post on our website: http://www.rotarywoofer.com?



It's about flippin' time! :P


I've stopped referencing your site because of the lack of updates. Please pop in and keep us informed of any progress and let us know if we can be of any assistance. Also, pop into the GEAR side of the forums and start a thread. Should produce memorable quotes, usable graphs and a great list of titles for you guys to use and reference.


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Hi Eric,


I just thought I'd jump in to say 'Welcome to the forum' :)



I find this thread to be an excellent resource and an example of great collaborative input from many knowledgeable people, most of whom have probably forgotten more than I will ever learn! :lol:


Your rotary woofers do come up in conversation on here so it's great that you've joined, and that data-bass is being recognised as the excellent resource for empirical analysis that it is.  :)



Just to ask the question, and if it's not too cheeky :P, would you consider sending one to Josh (who owns the site) for testing?  I think it would be awesome to have him add your woofer to the list of drivers he has already tested!


I'll look forward to seeing you around the forum, either way  :)




Thanks.  I'm glad to be here.  Its good seeing resources that can help us dispel the myth that you can't hear below 20hz.


I wish I could just easily send one off for testing, but the unit is very expensive and even shipping it is not a easy task.  We'd need a good size deposit to make this happen.


So cheeky, but I can't blame you for trying.

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Yes, STID is very hot, and VERY clipped.  Horrible sound compared to ST1.  Just horrible.  BEQ helped that track, but only so much.  You can never get back the information that was clipped away.  You have to wonder what some of these 'pros' native FR is for their own ears, and what home or nearfield monitoring setup was used to churn out such trash.



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It's about flippin' time! :P


I've stopped referencing your site because of the lack of updates. Please pop in and keep us informed of any progress and let us know if we can be of any assistance. Also, pop into the GEAR side of the forums and start a thread. Should produce memorable quotes, usable graphs and a great list of titles for you guys to use and reference.



We're a small company and have been busy the past couple years.  I just found some downtime and thought it was about time I learn some web programming.  Don't want people to get the impression that we're out of business.


I'll see if I can get together some content for a thread that might go beyond what we have on the website.  Thanks!

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I was looking at my 16" cooling fan. No I'm not going to strip it down and turn it into sub its been rather HeatWave-ish here a few weeks ago, like every day was a Sunday chicken roast. Mind you can you use one of these since they are cheap to buy?

The concept works with any fan.  The noise of the fan is what we design for.  The blades on the TRW-17 are flat and made of a plastic.


Can you also fit those cooling sub fans in the loft with an opening in the ceiling? Build a large enclosure in the loft that surrounds the cooling sub fan with that small opening for the fan. 



That's the idea.  You obviously can get a perfect air tight seal, but because a fan can create static 0hz pressure without an airtight seal, it just has to be good enough to not allow the air to do a u-turn and short circuit.


Would you notice the sound of it sounding like a fan as it speeds up and slows down creating those low infrasonics? I guess at same time it can cool you down.  :lol: I think I would notice it, sounding like a fan. Personally I find it rather scary not the idea of ULF but if it breaks down and blades go spinning around the room, Yikes!  



If the fan has quiet blades and there is no pitch, the TRW-17 is very quiet.  When you start throwing big chunks of air back and forth is when you start to notice the fan noise, but since this also produces bass proportional to that noise, the bass will win out unless you're sitting with your head next to the thing.  And yes it is scary when it ejects all the blades, but that only happens with prototypes and hasn't ever happened with a production woofer. :)


Plus the electric it would consume. Maybe one these used in Face/off.  :P  That is a cool scene with a jet engine lifting "Castor Troy" off the floor and being blown backwards by enormous force of jet engine wind! 




Yea, we sell one driven by a 1/3HP motor and one with a 2HP motor.  That is an awesome scene! https://www.reddit.com/r/onetruegod/

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That's really interesting to see. You can see the pulsing 10-20hz which is extremely noticeable when you ride the bus.  I'm not completely sure where it comes from.  Likely just the whole bus is resonating like a pipe.  I'm fairly certain you get it without any windows open.  One of the examples I try to give people of infrasound is the noise of driving at 50MPH with one window down.  With the other window down, the sound goes away.  But with the pressure cavity created by having one window down, you get almost the same deafening 10-20hz as you hear in the bus.  Most people don't equate the subtle (actually deafening) pressure in the bus with normal bass, but they are the same.


On the refrigerator test, I'm surprised you didn't get a lower reading actually.  One giant pulse of air should have registered between 1-5hz.  I suppose what's happening is that the air is just getting out of the way during the first 0.4 seconds and in the last 0.1 seconds (10hz) is when it the noticeable sound pressure is created.

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