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The Low Frequency Content Thread (films, games, music, etc)


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I thought it was engaging and entertaining

up until the point where Ender gets promoted.

After that, it really really sped through plot points that deserved much more attention, leaving the last 45min or so feeling rushed and a little confusing, even if you have no prior knowledge of the book.  I feel like Harrison Ford is old, tired, and wimpy looking.  It's something about his combination of droopy, sad-looking eyebrows and his stroked out, uneven mouth that doesn't do it for me.  I can't take him seriously, at all.


The mix is good, but not great.  There isn't the weighty, meaty feeling of lots of sub-20Hz content that makes All Is Lost and other recent ELF (<30Hz) champs so good.  Although it does have some unfiltered ELF content, it mostly feels like a blockbuster action movie crafted to perfectly exemplify the loudness wars of recent years. 


Again, it's good but not great.  The hardcore folks who run their subs with huge house curves, or +eleventy billion hot, will love it, while the more subdued sub dudes will find this mix less balanced than many of the others in the 4.75-5 Star range.

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EG reminds me of Scott Pilgrim's PvA graph, with 20Hz as the shelving point instead of 15Hz for Pilgrim. I'll check it out when I can. Any idea on whether it is a good film or not?





The movie on it's own is VERY forgettable IMO. If you factor in the fantastic audio AND video though, it is one amazing HT experience that becomes a really fun escape for a few hours from my perspective. Opinions though just like ANY movie will vary depending on who you ask. Give it a rent and decide for yourself. Like all films, I have read opinions from "loved it" to "hated it" and everything in between.    

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Nube, just a thank you for the hidden spoiler approach, thanks for that.


It's tough discussing these things and looking for recommendations, yet not wanting excessive details that may ruin the enjoyment of a movie night. Actually, I enjoy knowing as little as possible, the discovery seems to add so much.   

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The movie on it's own is VERY forgettable IMO. If you factor in the fantastic audio AND video though, it is one amazing HT experience that becomes a really fun escape for a few hours from my perspective. Opinions though just like ANY movie will vary depending on who you ask. Give it a rent and decide for yourself. Like all films, I have read opinions from "loved it" to "hated it" and everything in between.    

The problem with renting EG is the rental disk only has DD 5.1 sound.

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The problem with renting EG is the rental disk only has DD 5.1 sound.


Lionsgate among others will no longer have lossless audio on 'Blu Ray  rentals. However Netflix continues to rent and charge for these movies as "Blu Ray".  Blu ray isn't just about PQ - its the total package.  Strip off the extras, but leave the audio alone. 



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The problem with renting EG is the rental disk only has DD 5.1 sound.

What I would love to know is if the DD is at least the same mix as the DTS-MA? It was suggested in the AVS thread by a poster that the lossy and lossless are commonly 2 different mixes which I have not seen much evidence of........is this true?

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I can't imagine why it would be a whole different mix. I mean, even the video between DVD and blu ray is usually the same for a new release. Why would the developers waste their time. Then again, why would they waste their time printing a disc with lossy audio just for the rental market. As if that changes many minds.

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Because with a DD track you only have to use a single layer BD. The DD track is different, with only 16Hz extension, lower level, and essentially equal dynamics. I'm not that big a fan of the film to buy it, and LionsGate's cheapness in not including the lossless track just solidified my decision not to.



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I can't imagine why it would be a whole different mix. I mean, even the video between DVD and blu ray is usually the same for a new release. Why would the developers waste their time. Then again, why would they waste their time printing a disc with lossy audio just for the rental market. As if that changes many minds.


It's not a whole different mix.  It's the same DD 5.1 that's already included on the Blu Ray Disc.  They're just stripping off the lossless, just like they strip off the "extras".  This is an obvious attempt to get people to buy the disc.


However, if people who really care about the "best possible" audio rent the disc and it sounds and measures blah, is this an incentive the buy the disc hoping that the audio is better??  I doubt it. 


Of course 99% of the population couldn't care less and don't have the equipment to tell the difference anyway...

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You guys are killing me. I had Enders game in my hand yesterday and put it back. Best Buy has been running some serious Blu Ray sales. Just about half of the Blu Rays in the store other than new releases have been priced at 7.99 or 11.99. I bought a handful of disc's I have been holding off on. Looks like I am running back out to get it. 


As usual, thanks to those that put this thread together. This is my goto thread for movie bass. I don't even look in the other bass thread anymore. 

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"As usual, thanks to those that put this thread together. This is my goto thread for movie bass. I don't even look in the other bass thread anymore."



^   this, +1


Yep, made that switch back in '12, there is no stronger, soundtrack savvy group than the core of this thread.  

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I watched Rush last night. Really impressive dynamics. I enjoyed the race scenes immensely. The only really noticeable ULF for me was just after THE crash there's a waft of flames and the sound design did this nice wafting of sound over my room with the flames. Make the house creak otherwise it may have blended into the scene even more and gone unnoticed. Which would have been a good thing actually.


The rest of the extension is there, but just so well balanced with the snapping engines and squawking tires that its really not attention grabbing, in such a very very good way.


This is the kind of sound mix I put so much effort into my HT for. Mind you, I'm a gear head so that made it extra special for me.


WAF alert, the boobs and excessive swearing lessened the experience for me because my wife is really not into that stuff. If that's the same for your household, beware there's several boob scenes and a whole lot of f bombs and such.

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We too watched Rush last night. I echo much of the sentiment, a fantastic film with nice balanced mix that never draws attention to itself.


It really captured the 70's quite well, IMO. The portrayal of the F1 scene, but focused primarily just on these two players, just refreshingly good for a racing film,... most suck, this didn't.


I'll elaborate more about ST specifics in another post. Highly recommended.


Ron Howard did a great job, I saw countless period details that were spot on.    

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I thought it was engaging and entertaining

up until the point where Ender gets promoted.

After that, it really really sped through plot points that deserved much more attention, leaving the last 45min or so feeling rushed and a little confusing, even if you have no prior knowledge of the book.  I feel like Harrison Ford is old, tired, and wimpy looking.  It's something about his combination of droopy, sad-looking eyebrows and his stroked out, uneven mouth that doesn't do it for me.  I can't take him seriously, at all.


The mix is good, but not great.  There isn't the weighty, meaty feeling of lots of sub-20Hz content that makes All Is Lost and other recent ELF (<30Hz) champs so good.  Although it does have some unfiltered ELF content, it mostly feels like a blockbuster action movie crafted to perfectly exemplify the loudness wars of recent years. 


Again, it's good but not great.  The hardcore folks who run their subs with huge house curves, or +eleventy billion hot, will love it, while the more subdued sub dudes will find this mix less balanced than many of the others in the 4.75-5 Star range.


I couldn't have written it better to describe my feelings during and after watching EG.


Harrison Ford… whatever. Who'd he kill to get many of the roles he sucked at?


The sound design has nothing unique in the low end, whereas the story/visuals begged for unique sounds (the WMD for one example). Going all the way back to AOTC with the chrome ship flyover, I've always appreciated low end sound design that is as unique as the alien and futuristic earthly contraptions it's coupled with. For me, that's what makes the 1st Transformers, WOTW, TIH and, more recently, the drones in Oblivion top rank MWB.


None of that in the EG mix, IMO, and agreeing 100% with your post.


Consistently great input, Abraham. Much appreciated.

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Level - 5 Stars (115.4dB Composite!)

Extension - 5 Stars (8Hz)

Dynamics - 5 Stars (28.1dB)

Execution - 4 Stars by Poll


Overall - 4.75 Stars


Recommendation - RENT.


This film is riddled by clipping.  Attached is how much.  Clipping is in red.  Channels are L, R, C, LFE, SL, SR.


Very impressive PvA, a little something for everyone in it.  




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The sound design has nothing unique in the low end, whereas the story/visuals begged for unique sounds (the WMD for one example). Going all the way back to AOTC with the chrome ship flyover, I've always appreciated low end sound design that is as unique as the alien and futuristic earthly contraptions it's coupled with. For me, that's what makes the 1st Transformers, WOTW, TIH and, more recently, the drones in Oblivion top rank MWB.



Agree with the above and nube's comments re EG. Nice, but not special. Great visuals, good (could have been so much better) sound.



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