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The Low Frequency Content Thread (films, games, music, etc)


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Blu-Ray.com is useless for review on audio, other than for image quality and checking Blu-Ray releases they have no clue about bass or charts. the only Way to know is by getting graphs showing the true story like we do  from these awesome contributors. Funny thing you should see their audio setup, its nice with some powerful hardware, but my god they cant be serious about bass review on some films... are they paid off?!.


This what the films are reviewed on.




The mains and center look pretty impressive and capable of moving some air.  By comparison that sub looks a bit anemic.  I'll bet it's loud, but probably not too deep.

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HTPC or nanoAVR, combined with the settings on the BEQ thread, or come up with your own.  With nanoAVR, you can change the individual EQ and level of every channel in a 7.1 mix before it hits the bass management in the AVR (unless you have an HTPC that does bass mgmt for you), with no rolloff with either system b/c everything is all done digitally before any analog stages and DC blocking caps are involved.



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If you can make it work with your system, the nanoAVR is the best choice I'm aware of that is more-or-less plug-n-play for this kind of thing.  Others can speak for whether JRiver and a good computer audio interface can be made to do this well, but I understand there are some issues getting proper shelf filters implemented.

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HTPC or nanoAVR, combined with the settings on the BEQ thread, or come up with your own.  With nanoAVR, you can change the individual EQ and level of every channel in a 7.1 mix before it hits the bass management in the AVR (unless you have an HTPC that does bass mgmt for you), with no rolloff with either system b/c everything is all done digitally before any analog stages and DC blocking caps are involved.




Yeah I know all of that.  :P I thought that you had settings in the BEQ thread for certain movies so instead of me making up my own settings in my MiniDSP just for The Fifth Element based on the static measurement I replied to a few replies ago I figured I would see if you had measured the LFE output on that movie and come up with BEQ settings that I could plug in since you said that the static measurement may be incorrect for doing EQ work to the subwoofer system. 

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No, I haven't looked at Fifth Element.  Going by my experience with older films, BEQ really doesn't help much.  I tried to BEQ Predator and a few others and it was not good.  Shelf filters are easier to correct than the rolloffs seen with the older films, and most of the analogue equipment had infrasonic filters.  24 bit audio has such range that even with the 'adding headroom' step in the BEQ process, we never approach the noise floor of the digital medium compared to the noise floor of the typical HT, which is usually >20-30dB. 



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Have you guys every graphed Rush?


I highly recommend purchasing Rush. Check out the thread again as I just posted a few low level SpecLab screen shots. As previously noted the deep bass info is mostly during racing scenes but the audio is stellar throughout the entire movie. Extremely well done.


Record player scene with strong info down to 5 Hz:



First Hunt McLaren scene with info below 20 Hz:



Monaco scene:



After the Lauda press conference:



Again these are low-level/low-playback measurements but you get the idea. :)

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The mains and center look pretty impressive and capable of moving some air.  By comparison that sub looks a bit anemic.  I'll bet it's loud, but probably not too deep.

Looks like Klipsch KLF 30's and a KLF C-7 centre. A great combination!

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I'm surprised you guy haven't already graphed |Creed 2015| i really loved how the bass was done in this one, awesome film and a purchase i don't regret. gets even more exciting watching it with friends and family :D



EDIT, saw this on avs forum, o man :o. Source http://bit.ly/1VDimFU




Ditto! I rented the Blu Ray two days ago and plan on purchasing the movie as soon as I take back my rental. :)


I had zero plans to watch it as I thought it was going to be another Rocky'esque film predictable and cheesy but I actually really liked the story and especially the camera work. No jerky fight scenes all over the place - a lot of the fighting scenes were almost one take which was really nice. The bass extension in a few scenes is really really nice. I felt like the audio in general was extremely well done. I'll turn it up again during the day and take some SpecLab measurements in my room but this movie really kicked butt in the audio area. In one fight scene I got up to press on my room treatments on the back wall because I thought they were bouncing against the wall from the bass but it was actually the sound from the surrounds in the audio mix, haha. 


A little louder than my Rush screen shots but here is the Creed scene where Creed gets knocked down in the final fight:



And the beginning of the credits:


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I got into playing the BETA before the actual game came out and since the full game was released one day ago I have played it every night. The intro  screen has a nice deep bass section that is centered right at 35 Hz and above so it has that heavy bass feel to it...especially for a video game. Well last  night my parents watched my son overnight so I was able to turn up the volume a little bit and grab some screen shots in SpecLab. The two screen shots are during game play:


13 Hz artifact with full spectrum bass up to the crossover point:



Below 10 Hz extension with another nice artifact at 12/13 Hz and again bass throughout the spectrum:



PS: If any of you have pesky nighbors or thin insulation in your walls do not crank this up. The sounds of demons, heavy artillery, explosions, etc, will probably have your neighbors thinking that you are slaughtering someone inside your home.  :P



I know it is a game but here are louder screen shots during game play:









I'm finished screen capturing this game for now. The images above speak for themselves. Whoever was in charge of this game's audio mix needs a big thumbs up! :D

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Quick n dirty Deadpool:


111.3 dB level

29.58 dB dynamics

18Hz extension


Clipping is noticeable in the waveforms, especially in the center channel.  Not sure how noticeable it is yet.  Doesn't appear near as bad as The Force Awakens, so far at least.


Better details and full poll after I get a chance to watch it.......

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