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Posts posted by peniku8

  1. On 1/2/2023 at 2:40 PM, SME said:

    Happy new year all!

    Peniku8, please accept my apology for not getting back to you last spring.  It was a crazy time, and I ended up needing to take a break from things for a while.

    No worries, I figured :)
    Happy new year!

  2. 2 hours ago, nerdoldnerdith said:

    Does the Gjallarhorn have enough clearance for a Rockford Fosgate T3S2-19? Hornresp shows that it actually models quite well for this driver, although I'm unsure if the driver can withstand horn loading. It's hard to see from the diagram how much room there is in there for the bulky driver.

    No, the RF is over 15" deep and it would require significant effort to mount it like this, it's not meant for that.


  3. 7 minutes ago, klipsch said:

    Hey Kyle, 

    Appreciate all your time, effort, and money in keeping this place going. 

    Sad to see it go. 

    I can only second this, you were doing god's work here, much appreciated.

    Would be neat if there was a way to archive everything and make it accessible, since theres tons of valuable information on here.

    I've been thinking about something like this for a while, just not in this context, but how about moving data-bass/those who are interested over to Discord? I'm member of two other audio-related Discord servers and the information throughput and value in the discussion is through the roof! The instant-messanger style combined with forum architecture is super cool imo. We could make a new server with live sound&cinema sound based topics.

    Any thoughts?

  4. Based on the TH118's spec sheet I'd guess it's giving up some low end (its F4 is at 37Hz) for a bit of added sensitivity at higher frequencies, which might mean that in its passband, the TH118 would be able to keep up with the Skram, but below 40Hz the Skram will outrun it pretty quickly. I didn't look at cab volumes and the best data point would be CEA2010 ratings for both made by the same person, so take this with a grain of salt.

    Any horn-kind of design doesn't lend itself well to going deep while being space-efficient, I feel. The Skram is a hybrid, which kinda gives it the best of both worlds.

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  5. I think the Powersoft X8 is the only amp I know that delivers the power you're asking for in a small space with more acceptable fan noise than those clone amps produce. It's by no means quiet, but the fans ramp up and down very quickly and in the video I've seen the amp didn't seem super annoying at idle.

    The X8 does 8x1600W into 8R in 2U, but will also drive 2R and below. You'll get SOTA processing and features, but also a SOTA price tag.

  6. 2 hours ago, Ricci said:

    Is this an outdoor measurement? How far away is the nearest large object? Building, truck, etc?

    Looks like about 8db down at 30Hz compared to 100Hz. The tuning seems to be a bit under 30Hz as well.  I'd expect about 4 or maybe 5dB down at tuning with those drivers. The HPF probably shaves another 1db off. Realistically this isn't too far off. Once all of the factors such as driver tolerances, construction methods, signal chain, measurement setup and atmospheric conditions are stacked up it can account for quite a bit of variation. I'd not worry about it too much if it's a little different from the model or other peoples measurements. 

    Is the mic equidistant between the vents and the upper section or closer to one vs the other? That could account for another 1dB.

    Did you add baffle gain calculated in Edge to the hornresp prediction?
    In my last project I got the predicted response to be within 1dB of the actual half-space response, but I had to double the baffle size in Edge (maybe that's the effect of the half-space loading: it mirrors the baffle on the ground basically), hence way more upper bass than hornresp predicted.
    I'm not sure how this translates to larger cabs, but it was spot on with my single 21", a tad smaller than the Skram.
    Hornresp was also fed with the set of complex inductance parameters. I used the specs for the 21ds115 you measured.
    Same thing applied to my 1x12" sub. Model response was spot on with the measurement.

  7. By "lack of cone control", do you mean non linearity in the translation from electrical to kinetic energy or do you mean cone flex? The former can be remedied by a stronger motor, the latter through a stiffer cone.

    Both problems are challenges to the designer, not to the end user. Any properly designed driver will play predictably based on the Klippel graphs. For B&C drivers I think it's the Xvar value, which is a general rule of thumb for when the driver behaviour will transition into non-linear territory. If this was a huge issue, big drivers wouldn't be so popular.

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  8. On 10/29/2016 at 3:50 PM, radulescu_paul_mircea said:

    The M-Drive can generate around 5000 watt long term and 2000 watts thermal equilibrium so in 2 minutes you increase the temp with 20 degrees Celsius

    Did you do those tests yourself? How was the M-Drive set up, did it have an additional heatsink/ventilation or just the module by itself with its two small fans?

  9. 16 minutes ago, Father Francis said:

    try check the DigiMod 3000PFC+3000AMP with this you can use DSP-D and DSP-4 and add the big heatsink , 


    i guess this would run you a pair 

    The 3000pfc's datasheet states 4000W of total (symmetrical?) power output, which would underpower 2 drivers, let alone 4. If you wanna use 2 21ds115's to the maximum of their capabilities you will need pretty much twice as much as the Digimods are capable of. I ran my FP13000 unlimited&bridged into the Skhorn (4R) no issues (music, not sine waves). That's a bit overkill, but I'm trying to run 4 drivers off one amp, which the M-Drive seems to be a good match for.

  10. Yea, certainly good for a no-compromises build for maximum output density.

    I feel like the M-Drive should be powerful enough to drive two Skhorns when you load em with 22ds115's.

    I think I'll buy one to test, I need a good amp with the Powersoft feature set anyways. And I'd prefer active subs.

  11. 1 hour ago, Domme said:

    Hey everybody, I am wondering if and how you seal the area between your cabinet and handles, cable terminals and so on to minimize air leaks. I was thinking about using some 1mm neoprene sheet and was wondering if someone here has got experience with it or what you are using instead.


    I got this gasket tape

    Easier alternative for handles:

  12. On 2/25/2019 at 1:20 AM, peniku8 said:

    I don't have enough knowledge about designing horns to be talking about this with confidence, but since the horn opening angle would drop to 6° from 12° if simply cut in half and adding a side panel the interior would need to be redesigned. That is if a horn works the way I think it does, if it doesn't please call me out.

    As for binding hardware butterfly latches would be great. I actually posted about this modular cab idea using butterflies on AVS some time ago but nobody seemed to be into it.

    You could even saw the original SKHorn in half and slap like 6 butterfly latches on that to combine it. Use weather stripping to seal it and you have your modular SKHorn.
    I wonder what it would sound like if just left in pieces  :D

    But I think we're going slightly off topic here, that could be discussed in a new thread ;)

    To answer my own ramblings from 3 years ago, since I know better now and I couldn't just leave this as is: since the two drivers fire into the 12° horn in a mirrored fashion, they will each behave as if they were loaded into a separate 6° horn. Sawing the Skhorn in half will technically work just fine.

    Most hardware rattles and I think it would be really hard to keep butterfly latches under control, so that idea is sadly also a dud.
    And no more wondering what it would sound like after sawing it in half without adding new side panels: it becomes a vented cab with lots of wasted extra space and a really silly driver mounting.

  13. You mean dado joints like on this board?

    I use them mostly to make the assembly easier, since it's hard to get the position wrong when everything slots right into place. It doesn't help much with structural integrity unless you do like 10mm or so I'd say. I do 3mm too.

    Doing this without a CNC is a massive waste of time imo. I only drew a sketch on to the floor board when I built my Skhorn and went from there.


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  14. On 4/28/2022 at 6:32 PM, rolo95 said:

    Ahh, kind of danley TH118, those are called tapped horns right ? or just horn subs

    The TH118 is a tapped horn, but neither my sub nor the Skram are. They're both vented frontloaded bandpass cabinets.

    They sound and perform great, but I wouldn't build them again. The 21ds115's move the stack (sub+ARCS=250lbs) around. If you're planning on making a line of cabs in front of a stage they'd all be moving all over the place if you drive them near their limits.

    I heard the Othorn experienced similar issues. Skram fires forward, so it doesn't 'lift' the cab when the driver is working.

  15. @rolo95My subs are my own custom designs. Imagine Skram with half the horn length and the driver downfiring.
    ARCS Wide/Focus have been replaced by their new A series, which fills the gap between point sources and line arrays less well than WiFo did imo. But Martin Audio released the Torus series, which seems very similar to what ARCS WiFo is, with some additional features. Probably in the same ~4k price range depending on your region/dealer. ARCS are quite a bit heavier than Torus though.

    As for SPL vs money I've been saying that 21" has been most cost effective for quite a while now, even before covid.

    Two 15ds115's will surely outperform a single 21ds115, but look at the price. I personally think it doesn't get much better from a cost per SPL point of view than 21ds115 or the very similar LaVoce driver.

    • Like 1
  16. 3 hours ago, h3idrun said:

    from what i have experienced with my crappy drivers 4x good quality 10s could sound amazing, and possibly have better power handling and heat dissipation than 1x beefy 21"

    Would be interesting to see what can be had, even if it only makes sense when you just so happen to have the drivers already.
    4 10" drivers have about 75% of the surface area of a 21. Looking at B&C's lineup, they'll have half the Xmax, but about the same power handling combined. So mid-bass would suffer a little, while you'd be giving up more in the deep bass.
    What's the beefiest 10" driver with usable Qes for the Skram? SEAS L26RO4Y looks pretty neat. Disregarding that 4 of them cost twice as much as a 21ds115, they should perform decently well, although worse in every regard compared to the 21ds115. Maybe they'd take more sustained power.

  17. I'm pretty happy with my 21ds115 powered subs (similar to the Skrams I guess, just a bit smaller) and l-acoustics ARCS wide tops.

    PM90 components are obviously top of the line, but I personally prefer scalable solutions (the ARCS wide can be used as single 90x30° loudspeaker or in a fixed curvature line array with ARCS focus (15°) speakers).
    PM90 won't achieve uniform audience coverage over a large area, but it'll do exceptionally well for small clubs or small outdoor shows. Or when you just want higher SPL closer to the stage.


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  18. On 4/22/2022 at 6:14 PM, rolo95 said:

    one skram will sound like 2 SRX828 ? 

    No, even the Skram won't make a 21" driver sound like four 18". Looking at the specs it should outperform or be on par with a single 828 though, as long as the Skram has an adequate driver with adequate amping.


    On 4/22/2022 at 6:14 PM, rolo95 said:

    I know you suppose to have a 2:1 ratio on subs, so 2 subs per one top

    That depends on your subs, your tops, the location and the kind of show you're producing.
    But I guess 2:1 is a good ratio for these kind of shows. Also, the guy you're describing had 4 18" drivers for 2 tops, so it's 2:1, isn't it?


    On 4/22/2022 at 6:14 PM, rolo95 said:

    also if i were them i would cluster the 2 bass cabinets on one side , they are loosing 3db right ? cause they are not putting the subs side by side?

    No, not really. Indoors, setting up subs in different locations will make for a better spatial average across the room. In wide rooms or outside, where some of the audience stand at the sides at a heavy angle to the PA, you'll run into lobing issues unless you stack your subs (you'd stack them center). But since your room isn't that wide and I suppose the subs were set up rather close to the side walls, you won't have to fight lobing. Also putting tops on your subs means you won't have to bring stands :)


    On 4/22/2022 at 6:14 PM, rolo95 said:

    power amps i have is not that great, 1 dbx driverack PA over 1 PLX3002 , one XLS2500 and one XLS2000

    Even more of a reason to get high efficiency PA drivers over a bunch of cheap car audio ones.
    It means you'll get a few more db out of the subs within your available power.

    • Like 1
  19. By saving a few bucks on drivers you'll end up having to bring twice as many cabs to a gig.

    You'll end up spending more on wood than you saved on the drivers. Plus having to haul more subs around.

    Definitely not worth it imo, not even taking the difference in sound quality into account.

    • Like 1
  20. 15 hours ago, rolo95 said:

    btw, the tops were some 80's jbl MR925's  4 of them, they are heavy as F... so i want to change that also

    if i had the dough , i think i will get SH50's for tops and tell somebody to build 8 skrams 4 me

    So your JBLs are too heavy and you wanna replace them with SH50's.

    Are you aware that the SH50 is over twice the weight of your JBL? 🙃

    • Sad 1
  21. iirc the LaVoces were in a parts express deal for 400 flat or something, 3 years ago.

    I paid 410$ for my 21DS115's. Now they're around 650. That's up over 50%...

    Imo it makes no sense to build the Skrams if you intend on putting non ideal drivers in it. A good subwoofer is a good subwoofer, but that's the entire system of driver+cabinet. Even if the cabinet design is stellar, it'll make a bad subwoofer if you don't put the right driver in it. That's also how DIY got a bad name over here. And just outright bad designs of course.
    Build something else if you wanna use other drivers or design a simple vented cab if you have a specific driver in mind. Designing a vented cab with a slot port is really simple.

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