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The Longest, Most Intense Bass Scenes from Movies


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If I may, I'd also like to add some suggestions that might make your list. The first being a scene from the amazing spiderman (I believe near the end of chapter 13) where the lizardman encounters a swat team, it has decent length, depth, and amplitude from what I could perceive.


Actually two more scenes just from the first amazing spiderman, when he first gets his powers and is sleeping on a train (very strong frequency sweeps). Also the ending scene where he slingshots himself from a crane arm (just for the depth, seems even stronger than the dragon crash in httyd).


Also the first dragon fire scene from beowulf is pretty intense.


The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy also has a nice extended bass scene when the vogon ships first arrive to earth (their low frequency droning lasts for a while). 


And though perhaps not as long or as deep,  near the ending of cloverfield when the monster fully reveals itself has some pretty high amplitude bass (though the alley encounter scene might definitely prove to be a more worthy choice).


Forgive me for the spastic nature of this post,  your work is wonderful and these scenes are merely suggestions.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Which is better: FotP barrel roll or OHF monument collapse? I have FotP BD and was thinking about buying a used copy of OHF BD. The firs time i saw OHF i streamed it on Vudu because rotten tomatoes gave it something like 40% and sure enough i thought it was a terrible movie but the BD might still be good for sub demo purposes.



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Which is better: FotP barrel roll or OHF monument collapse? I have FotP BD and was thinking about buying a used copy of OHF BD. The firs time i saw OHF i streamed it on Vudu because rotten tomatoes gave it something like 40% and sure enough i thought it was a terrible movie but the BD might still be good for sub demo purposes.




Depends if you like ~30Hz (FOTP) or ~20Hz (OHF) better.



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  • 5 weeks later...

Just to link to Bosso's post in the http://data-bass.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/316-earth-to-echo-discussion-poll/'>rating thread, Earth to Echo looks good!



Man, I wish I'd seen your level rating of 5 stars before I popped this one in, Abraham. :o


I was running the SW out at +7dB for a weak sauce-level flick and forgot to reset it flat. I had to jump    on the remote and back it down.


This SpecLab cap runs over a minute and ten seconds and it didn't get the whole effect on the screen! This cap was made with the subs at +2dB hot. Check out the waveform... maxed out and RELENTLESSLY getting stronger as the scene progresses. Also, check out the twin sine sweeps buried in there at 35 Hz and 40 Hz, slowly rising to 40 Hz and 45 Hz for 20 seconds!


Bosshog shit, this one is. :P



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  • 1 month later...

I watched X-Men Last Stand last night and there is scene towards the end of the movie where they goto Jean's house and the whole room is moving from her powers. Seemed like a pretty good run of bass to me, but did not seem that deep. I had the volume a little lower as it was around 10:30pm. Wondering if this scene would fit in here?

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  • 4 months later...

I took the 2 screen caps from the club scene and combined them onto one graph. You're right, Aj, this scene is over 3 minutes of full bandwidth transients. I'll also reiterate my previous observation about the background drone of every even numbered frequency from 4 Hz through 114 Hz... awesome stuff. I enjoyed it. Actually, the sound elevated the movie from ho-hum to excellent, IMO.



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Coach2369 of AVS was raving about the John Wick disc as a LFE treat. I was thinking it would be a good demo track...until I heard all of the language and saw so much graphic violence. But I personally liked the bass and sound mix very much :) (And by demo, I mean at shows).

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I watched X-Men Last Stand last night and there is scene towards the end of the movie where they goto Jean's house and the whole room is moving from her powers. Seemed like a pretty good run of bass to me, but did not seem that deep. I had the volume a little lower as it was around 10:30pm. Wondering if this scene would fit in here?

This was the DVD with a DTS ES soundtrack.  The scroll speed was set to 2 minutes. 


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  • 1 month later...

Hello new here.


Cool Spectrum Lab thread and useful and indispensable tool for checking how accurate the frequency response is.   


This one of later GRAVITY with Dolby SR being used on the LFE.1. The few seconds of the opening music to GRAVITY. 




Dolby SR OFF so straight pass though on my cinema reference home cinema.






Hi Andy, welcome to databass!  If you turn up the input level to speclab, you will see more resolution of the mix instead of just viewing the peaks of the content you feed it.  Shoot for a strong looking waveform like this and you will get more colors to show up:



Bossobass came up with a new color scheme for speclab with more resolution that I am really liking.  If you want to download the settings file to load into SL, it is located here: http://data-bass.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/435-bossobass-mini-gtg-thread/?p=8831


This is the first I'm learning of the Dolby SR (spectral recording).  It says on wiki that it boosts dynamic range by 25dB.  That would be quite useful for analog recordings.  Do you know any specifics on how it works? 

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Yo, I forgot to tell you that depending on your settings, that newer version of SL you just got may act buggy.  If it is buggy it will show double what the frequency you input to it, or it will repeatedly show loud transients with no input.  If it doesn't work right, download this version and load the settings into it: http://www.qsl.net/dl4yhf/spectra1.html#download

-It's the top link zip file.


Regarding the new color scheme -the spectrum basically has more colors.  Like having more colors on your monitor screen increases the resolution, so does this.  When you get used to the scale you will be able to see more detail in the sound design. 


Let's look at the ship crash at the end of Prometheus:




Here is the warp jumps in Star Trek:





Digging it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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