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Ported vs Sealed


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Is it possible to EQ a sealed driver to equal the equivalent output of the same driver in a ported enclosure?


Like can a sealed um18-22 (in its ideal cu ft box) have the same output as a ported um18-22 (in its ideal cu ft box)? Or is that mathematically impossible? Do ported and horns dominate at tuned frequency by law? Or can you actually EQ the shit out of a sealed driver and achieve the same output? OR do you chance destroying the driver in doing so?

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Impossible simply due to the physics.


Assuming that a single of the same driver is used for each alignment. The vented will have greater output over about an octave starting roughly 1/3rd octave below the vent tuning and ending roughly 2/3rds octave above the vent tuning. Of course this assumes that a cabinet and vent of proper size is used. Horns are similar except that the output advantage can potentially extend over a larger bandwidth above the loading of the horn and the output increases can be even greater as you continue to enlarge the horn enclosure.


On a driver for driver basis the sealed system will break even and have higher output starting about 1/3rd octave below the tuning of the higher order system.


This is all in a very general sense and ignores other attributes of each enclosure type which may also factor into the overall performance.


The easiest way to get a handle on all of this and how drivers behave when placed in various alignments is with software simulations using things like Hornresponse.

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You can EQ the sealed system to have the same response as the vented version but it will be impossible to match and have identical burst and long term output capabilities as the ported one.


Best thing to do is if you want the output and response shape of the vented version is to have twice as many (or more) of the sealed alignment to match output capabilities and retain all the things that a sealed system can do.

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I had the same question a few months ago..

Indeed you can not eq it.. you can however put a little more effort in the build of the cabinet.

You can build a ported cabinet and find a clever way to "seal" the ports than you have both..

Read the: HST18/HS24 thread, in post #60 is my final convertible design based on HS24 drivers.


Best regards,


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