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Max SPL testing?


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Maybe I'm not reading the test results correctly but it appears that max spl is always limited by low frequency excursion. Is there any chance of doing a max spl test where the sweep starts at 35-40hz so excursion doesn't become the limiting factor? I'm not that smart with this stuff but it seems like some of these drivers might be able to reach higher spl levels in a music only environment without the excursion demands. Or maybe this is already part of the testing and I'm just dumb.

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SO what are you after?


Because anything that plays lower frequencies will be limited to Vd and a few other variables. Playing closer to Fs(30-40hz pro audio) will most likely be limited by thermal capabilities. And many subwoofers tested have Fs near 15-45hz. SO kinda hard to just test at one frequency for max SPL. BUT Ricci does test any many different frequencies so you should be able to see whatever it is at max SPL to your liking. I think.

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I'm trying to find a really good music sub. So I don't need much below 35hz.


After reading some more, it does appear that the CEA max burst testing does test individual frequencies so that data should be what I'm looking for. I had always though that was a sweep. I guess the word "burst" went right over my head.

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The max long term tests are indeed many times limited by device excursion however in a lot of cases also by thermal power handling. Look at the output compression graphs too. If the system is compressing the output by 3dB or more above 40Hz that is usually not excursion and is the coil getting very hot. Any more power applied than that with any real duration and the coil is going to burn up and turn into a crispy slinky. That has happened with a few drivers I pushed too hard. Look at the burst tests for an indication of which drivers would be louder over the 40-100Hz band width with dynamic material.

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