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Bee Movie Execution and Recommendation Poll - CLOSED


Bee Movie  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Execution?

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  2. 2. Recommendation?

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Bee Movie (5.1 TrueHD)

Level        - 2 Stars (106.54dB composite)
Extension - 4 Stars (14Hz)
Dynamics - 5 Stars (36.28dB!!!)

Execution - 4 Stars (by poll)


Overall     - 3.75 Stars

Recommendation - Buy (by poll)


Notes:  Holy guacamole, look at those dynamics!!!  I'm a big fan of this one.  Though it is generally low level - I had to run it +7 above normal to get the dialog the right level - it packs a punch 20Hz and above, and the bass scenes sound HUGE.  Since we're talking about miniature, bee-sized stuff, I didn't need the sub 20Hz content to get immersed.  Often, the bass comes completely out of nowhere and just wallops you, like in the tennis balls scene, or in the Honex factory.  I'm a sucker for animated comedies, and it doesn't hurt that this one has completely appropriate bass.





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