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Everything posted by maxmercy

  1. Captain America:The First Avenger Level - 3 Stars (108.58dB composite) Extension - 5 Stars (7Hz) Dynamics - 5 Stars (28.41dB) Execution - 4 Stars - One star deducted for being a 30Hz mix except for one effect, good dynamics, though. Overall - 4.25 Stars Recommendation - RENT. Good film, but not a whole lot of re-watchability in my opinion. This rating is debatable, and can be chaged. This completes the Avengers lead-up films. JSS
  2. Fight Club: Level - 4 Stars (112.3dB composite) Extension - 3 Stars (16Hz) Dynamics - 5 Stars (31.63dB) Execution - 4 Stars - Given its creation date, this film delivers. The rolloff below 30Hz is present, just as it was in The Matrix, and there is some clipping. Overall - 4 Stars Recommendation: BUY. This film has a lot of re-watch value, and I notice new things every time I see it... JSS
  3. FOH, The Watch is already in the queue..... Bosso, Wow. +10dB change? I have never seen that much change between BD and DVD, but I am looking at PvA, not overall dBFS levels. What AVR are you running? I run a Denon 2809Ci AVR and Sony BDP-BX2 BluRay player. See below, I found the Fight Club BD to be MUCH HOTTER than the DVD as well. JSS
  4. I'll put it in the queue. We'll see.... Here's Master & Commander DVD: Level - 3 Stars (262.78dBHz) Extension - 4 Stars (13Hz) Dynamics - 5 Stars (30.2dB) Execution - 4 Stars - while very good, this track is not in true 5-Star territory, IMO. Overall - A solid 4.0 Star track. Recommendation - Rent. Although an 18dB/octave Butterworth highpass is on the BD, the imagery is great in HD. It would be great to Mux the DTS audio from the DVD onto the BD 1080p imagery. Comparison graph attached. Exactly 3dB down at 30Hz, and 18dB down at 15Hz. What a shame. JSS
  5. The Pacific:Iwo Jima Level - 5 Stars (268.8dBHz) Extension - 2 Stars (23.4Hz) Dynamics - 4 Stars (25.3dB) Execution - 5 Stars - For this film, we run into the limitations of a PvA graph. Many of the explosions on this track have content down to 5Hz, but since they are broadband transient effects, they will not show up on a PvA graph as incredibly significant, just as in the Transformers 1&2, that also have similar effects for some of the explosions. The bass in this film is done very well, and I think it merits 5 Stars. Overall - 4 Stars Recommendation - BUY. Although it doesn't have the same continuity as Band of Brothers (it can't, as the Pacific theater was very discontinuous), it is a tremendous work, as was Band of Brothers. JSS
  6. Is that the 2007 film with Allyson Paradis? If so, Netflix has it. DVD only, though. Will post up Iwo Jima in a bit, and get started on Fight Club. JSS
  7. FOH, I completely understand about your concerns, and it is a great series. The thing I loved about the Iwo Jima episode was the great sound transitions. If I get time tonight, I will post the graph. Very hot track, mainly 30-50Hz. JSS
  8. Hmm... Do we need to run Audacity captures on individual channels to see where the clipping is? I'm thinking of giving Total Recall 4 star execution (4.5 overall), and a RENT recommendation. Anyone disagree? JSS
  9. Tonight a subjective review of Total Recall, and the measurement for The Pacific:Iwo Jima. I'm expecting good things from that one... JSS
  10. FOH, Simpsons and Incredibles added to queue. Should have a subjective rating on Total Recall tomorrow night, and some measurements this weekend. We have already graphed over 50 films. BTW - The Hobbit is pretty good. TREMENDOUS ULF POTENTIAL, esp in several distinct scenes, which I will not give away. The IMAX 15/70 presentation had dust on the plate/lens that is just in front of the film, but otherwise was a good visual presentation and MUCH IMPROVED sound over the local LieMAX. No ear fatigue, no ringing ears after leaving the theater, loud when it needed to be, but only 30-35Hz extension. The 15/70 IMAX screen is about 4x the size of the LieMAX screen. The only thing missing was that the presentation was at 24fps, and some of the pans are so fast that it strobes horribly at 24fps, I bet at 48fps that is not the case, so I will check it out at an HFR capable theater. JSS
  11. I think by comparing measurements on M&C, we may have a reason for the change. If there is a bump in peak level from 30Hz on up, it may have been a 'save headroom' by cutting the lower freqs. It really does look like the Avengers trace, though. I'll post a direct comparison when I have time. Shipping from the 'Flix for this weekend: The Pacific: Iwo Jima Episode M&C DVD Fight Club - This may be the highest Level film we have done yet Captain America Finding Nemo will have to wait... Going to check out The Hobbit at a 15/70 IMAX tonight. They only have 25-30Hz capability, but it is not LieMAX. JSS
  12. Master & Commander BluRay: Level - 3 Stars (109.56dB composite) Extension - 2 Stars (23Hz) Dynamics - 5 Stars (31.29dB) Execution - 2 Stars - This is the highpass of the brilliant track that was the Master & Commander DVD. Overall - 3 Stars Recommendation - Rent JSS
  13. Total Recall: Level - 3 Stars (109.24dB composite) Extension - 5 Stars (3Hz) Dynamics - 4 Stars (25.33dB) Execution - 5 Stars - Full bandwidth track. My fav part was the initial shoot out at the Rekall location, with the wild pulls and zooms throughout the room, as well as the car chase. Overall - A solid 4.25 Stars. Recommendation - Buy for the Bass, Rent for the story. You may want to buy it, but not everyone is into dystopian thrillers. This is a full bandwidth track, but held back a bit in level and dynamics. This may have been a home mix, or not. Hard to tell. JSS
  14. Added to queue. Master and Commander BD this evening. DVD hopefully before end of week. Waiting on the 'Flix... JSS
  15. The reason for the Dynamics Category is that how loud a scene SEEMS has very much to do with what has immediately come before. Great bass movies will 'cleanse the palate' and have quiet stretches before hitting the audience with a tremendous effect. Every rating system has advantages and downfalls. While TIH got only 4 Stars for Dynamics, it is STILL a 4.75 Star film. Films that have so much LF content that the average level climbs and decreases dynamics are simply a use of too much brute force. While it can be fun, such as in Underworld:Awakening, it is not an 'elegant' way to use LF, in my opinion. Case in Point: What is the one sound effect you remember about the movie 'Drive'? I bet most would say it was the shotgun blasts outside the pawn shop (my wife even answered this scene, and she says she doesn't remember much about films). It was preceded by a very silent part, making the shots even more effective. Other examples: Starscream ripping off the roof in the hut Sam and Mikaela are hiding in in TF2. Iron Man's repulsor blast when he is drunk after he announces the 'after party' will start and he points out where 'the door' is for all the party poopers in Iron Man 2.... JSS
  16. Just to see where a less action-oriented film lies in the ratings: The Natural: Level - 1 Star (100.38dB composite) Extension - 1 Star (28Hz) Dynamics - 5 Stars (35.19dB) Execution - 3 Stars - A product of the time and the nature of the film Overall - 2.5 Stars Recommendation - Buy. Tremendous baseball film, though cheesy at times. Some of the best cinematography ever done. If you notice in the graph, some ULF snuck in. It is whenever lightning strikes in the film, and nowhere else. I think it is meant to be there. JSS
  17. The Hunger Games: Level - 3 Stars (109.55dB) Extension - 1 Star (27Hz) Dynamics - 5 Stars (34.08dB) Highest Yet! Execution - 4 Stars - Primarily a dialogue movie, and some of the best effects were transients when the contestants were killed, which don't register as well with the 1/1 settings on the FFT. The bass is very well done, and this film garners 4 Stars mainly based on the incredible dynamics. It seems louder than it is due to this. Overall - 3.25 Stars Recommendation - Rent. I could not suspend disbelief enough to fully immerse myself into this world, although the film itself was well done. JSS
  18. I could easily be persuaded to make them 'buy'. I used to own the DVDs, but don't watch them enough to buy the BDs.... Buy it is. I'll change my posts above and then link the proper scene caps and title blocks. JSS
  19. The Matrix Revolutions: Level - 4 Stars (111.04dB) Extension - 5 Stars (1Hz) Dynamics - 4 Stars (26.73dB) Execution - 5 Stars - One of the first films to use full-bandwidth LFE, and a step up from the second film. Overall - 4.5 Stars Recommendation - Buy. JSS
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