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  1. Thanks, peniku8. I am in no hurry and I guess it all probably looks more complex than it is, in its assembled state like below, but laid out piece by piece it's all just cut from sheet plywood. Will send you a PM asap.
  2. Could you recommend someone in Europe who could CNC all the pieces of my own subwoofer design (Solidworks) without it costing an arm and a leg? It's a one-off custom project for my own HT.It’s a pretty serious piece requiring a few advanced cuts, going by what a few friends ‘in-the-know’ have told me, so I don’t know what kind of machine is required - although in my world, it’s basically just a “simple box” with no rocket science involved. But OK, the bracing is pretty brutal, so if Apollo 13 had been as structurally sound they would probably never have had their “Houston, we have a problem” moment… 😉Here’s a link to the design (HTML eDrawings). Use right-click for options like removing or isolating pieces: Subwoofer_assSplit_200617.htmlI’m open to suggestions from anywhere in EU or the UK as long as the cost is competitive to justify the shipping cost.
  3. Has anyone measured the complex inductance parameters (Re, Leb, Le, Rss, Ke) of the 8 ohm version of the 21DS115? I find that simulating in Hornresp using these changes the response quite a lot.
  4. I noticed there is a "low distortion" version available of this driver, called the 214.50LD: http://www.lavocespeakers.com/lavoce/assets/datasheets/1491384956_LAVOCE_SAN214.50LD_21in_SUBWOOFER_A.a.pdf
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