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HOME movie waveform analysis request


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While watching HOME with my son tonight I noticed a good bit of low end in a few scenes so I waited until he fell asleep to capture some SpecLab screen caps. Below are my screen caps. Movie needs to be turned up to get volume (I usually get a text saying "it's loud babe" at volume 30 but these caps were taken at volume 50 and you will notice how low level the info was taken at by the bar on the right side. So if someone could look into the audio of this movie it might be worth a mention here.


Very first scene where main characters bubble bumps into other people. I replayed the scene at higher volume so it looks like it happens twice in the capture but it's really just once in the scene:




Super Chip:



Stop Faster near the end of the movie. Again, low level so I'd like to see the overall audio analyzed:


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Looks like it might just be a stray transient.  I'll probably end up buying this for my kids sooner or later and I'll whip up some numbers for you.


Thanks, I appreciate it. I'm just curious to see the overall bandwidth of the movie sound. FWIW the music in the movie is pretty bass heavy and sounds pretty darned cool throughout the movie. 

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