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Droogne last won the day on March 26 2020

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  1. Only reason I have not jumped on the LaVoce (while price is still low, it's discount at this moment) is that they are not available in 4 ohm like my B&C.
  2. I modelled them, and the LaVoce SAN214.50 and 215.30 look to be really similar in my cab, and I have them available at 200 euro less. Because I'm in Europe the LaVoce are better priced than the options. The 18SOUND NLW9601 might also work but performs little bit less and i similar in price to the SW152.
  3. I have 2 subs I built a few years back, but for now I only have 1 SW152-4 woofer installed and I cant find a second one for a good price. Are there similar commercially available alternative I can look for (second hand). Thanks
  4. I might do something similar. Do you think you gained a lot? And do you let them overlap, or do you avoid mixing? Because originally I was gonna use my 2x skram(like sub)s tuned to around 20hz. If I cant combine them in the <40hz range, I'm not sure how much I will gain with (lets say) 4 sealed subs (similair to theHT18s). I mean, 4x 18" subs will also deliver stronlgy in the 40-80hz range.
  5. General opinions on mixing a Skram with sealed subs. Is there much to be gained (below lets say 35hz)? Or is this too narrow to benefit (a home theatre), or will interference make it impractical (after basic DSP).
  6. Been thinkering again, got a week of now till I start again with work (in the COVID19 wards; so will not have a lot of free time as you can imagine). The models with the NLW9600 make me appreciate a higher tuning some more. Xmax limited 130dB point lowest level effective 0dB FR 31hz tune 32.5hz 129.8dB 32hz tune 33.0hz (+0.5hz) 130.6dB (+0.8dB) 33hz tune 33.8hz (+1.3hz) 131.3dB (+1.3dB) 34-.. hz 131.3dB +-0dB 34hz tune 34.3hz (+1.9hz) 131.9dB (+1.9dB) 35-.. hz 131.9dB +-0dB (I have to admit I didnt incorporate the increase in size by reducing port size) FR between 34 and 31hz for reference So for these drivers a somewhat higher tuning might increase the output while sacrificing 1-2hz cutoff. Maybe just tune them at 34hz (or even higher), and use a single specific port divider to allow tuning between 31 and 34hz. Yes I like low frequency output, also for PA (as it suits my music), so I'm not eager to give up the LF output for some more output in general. But it does look like shifting the tuning a little bit might be beneficial in general.
  7. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1l7Pf_MkJqLrwNJE_N-kdNn-AXEGntZG8 Here is a link to the REW files of the left MEH (+ la scala). Anything to suggest that I do? What about the delays? Any remarks on the crossovers (700hz 48dB)? Would you flatten it, or boost some of the range? I realise those are some newbie questions I guess, but I want to get it right, and I fear I'm making some mistakes over and over.
  8. Have decided to place the synergies on the 2x LaScalas I still have. That way I can boost the 60-120hz. Why only 120hz? Because that is the 1/4th WL distance between the center of the LaScala and the synergy. I'm already liking it! It also brings the speakers up to earheight (and positions the right one completely above the couch) and allows horizontal placement. Also, my OLED has been fixed! Apparently the motherboard crapped the bed.. was replaced in 10 minutes, but did cost me the price of upgrading to a better compression driver..
  9. Also, random idea. Use 2x 12" on side (horizontal) and 1x 21" (the 21LW1400 for which I have no purpose) on the other side. So a 3 way actually 2x12" is around 150-700hz 131-133dB at RMS Xmax limited. The 21"' can easily do 50-150hz 131dB, with 50-80hz at 135dB. I think if I model this as a 3-way MEH, the overlap between 80 and 150hz will add a lot more, that way it will do 135dB down to at least 135hz. And go to 50hz. As listed above, the BMS/B&C can do a theoretical 135dB at RMS. My 4x 12" solution (with ports, 75hz) would result in a response I'd prefer though, the 21" is just something to toy with. 4x 12" is way more powerfull (aka 135dB at RMS) up to the crossover so it can match the CD. It would only go down to 60hz if I tune it low, but with a slightly higher tune I can add some output in the 80-200hz range (which I would like to boost in general, to match the subs). 2pi, RMS Xmax limited for 2x drivers (modelled together because they share the same cabin), tuned to 75hz. So lowest max output in a 4x 12" driver situation would be ~137dB (between 300-400hz). 70-200hz would enjoy 141dB max output at RMS. The 4x 21" woofers I have now would be able to match them (~131dB each from 32hz) in the cabins I designed.
  10. I know.. but I just can lug it outside. However, we will be using them for an outside event, so before it takes place I'm gonna take the chance to EQ them completely. What would you recommend for inside EQ (in a 'chaotic room'). Just EQ down to 500hz? I have thought about both of them, compared to my JBL2447. At the moment I have enough channels on the XP4080 to do a 3-way. As I have listed once on AVSf: "The DCX464 lists as 110+80W with a 111.1dB/1W and 111.4dB/1W sensitivity respectively, measured on a "320hz" exponential horn, so ~134dB net. However, I'm not sure how this translates to my 80x40 horn.The BMS lists as a 80+150W with a 118dB/1W sensitivity, measured on a 40x20 horn. I gather it will be around6dB lower than on my 80x40, which would fit with the 110dB/1W when looking at the graphs BMS has for the 4594. So a net of ~134.5dB.So both show around a 134dB output at RMS. I already have JBL 2447 drivers, which are listed at around 132dB down to (at least) 700hz. So around 70% less output. Radion 950 would seems like a whopping 135.5W continues on a 80x40." The DE360 only goes down to 1200hz, and my synergy stops at 700hz.
  11. Yes, importing them costs around 2500-3000.. That is WITH the K69, but that doesnt compensate.The horns I have now I got for less than 500. Resale value is nihil (although they are build by Don Keele so it has a 'name'), but I didnt bother too much as I was gonna cut holes in them which slashes their value either way 🙂 . Yes, going to a BMS4592 would save more than 8kg (20 lbs) in weight. Same for the woofers, I want 4 in it I should switch to P80Nd instead of the Fe version. Goes from 12.5kg to 6.5kg (so for 4 woofers thats 25kg..).
  12. Just basic stuff, I can EQ till I get a +-1dB flat response, but thats it. I dont require anything fancy for now. Can I maybe mail you the measurements, than you can maybe make some suggestions (mic setup, crossover choice and what not)? Normally I'm in contact with Chris A (if you know him), but I dont want to impose too much on him.
  13. Any of you guys sufficiently experienced with REW to have a look at my measurements to see what I might be doing wrong? I particularily am dissatisfied about the bass part, even when EQd flat to 80hz (with subs).
  14. At this moment I have enourmous trouble making them sound good. They are OK, they 'work'. Inteligibillity is fine, and better than most of the speakers I have had, but not superb. At least not to compensate for their size. Bass is also very poor. However I should not be mad about that It's because of the 12P80Fe driver. It modelled very poorly under 100hz. However, they are incredibly strong from 120-700hz (126dB; 2pi, RMS) A port might help (firing from sides, or top when they stand vertical.), especially if I can block them of so I can keep them 'sealed' too. Maybe I can just sacrifice part of the horn (5-10cm from the width on each side). At the sides (horizontal definetely) the horn is almost completely flat.
  15. I never had the K402, because they were so goddamn expensive over here in Europe. For CD I just use a JBL 2447, but I'm definetly gonna replace them. Same for the 12P80Fe. Good drivers I'm sure, but both very heavy (10+ kg each) which limits the portability. Getting the 110x80x60cm cabin down will be extremely difficult to start with, the weight will make it a lot harder to manouver them. However, I would probably go for a BMS4595 (I need a 1.5" throat..). The Radian if I can find a second hand. Maybe make a 1.4 to 1.5" adapter so I can have a wider pick of drivers. The celestion look pretty cool! A more high end version of the BMS? (or at least when looking at the price ).
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