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Everything posted by WannaKatana

  1. Contribute to who? Who has access to the underlying database? Without that, the website will never be updated. I want to do it but I need the database.
  2. I can do it, just need the database
  3. As I said, I would be happy to take it over. I have a place to host it.
  4. Biden supporter still? That's scary. Exponential Delusion.
  5. GiveMeChocolate@gmail.com if anyone wants to collaborate or if the owner of this site will transfer.
  6. I'm happy to help as well if others want to partner up. Otherwise I'm going to make my own as an exercise to learn .NET in any case.
  7. Really would be nice if all this work wasn't LOST. I'm happy to take it over!
  8. I'm a computer programmer so I can do all the programming for the website as well as host the forums and not lose any content. I already have a 10 website hosting solution setup with many options for databases, forum applications, .NET or other programming language. Joel
  9. I was going to do a similar website and came across this one. I would like to discuss options for my helping or taking over. Joel
  10. I found this as I was going to make a similar website comparing subwoofers. May I be of some assistance getting your website back up? Would you be willing to sell or share your database?
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