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Everything posted by Lab_Experiment

  1. I had sound coming from PC(ABLETON) -> FOCUSRITE 6i6 -> *ACTIVE SPEAKER* I don't want to say the brand of the speaker, the thing was a rental so it could have been damaged but it was probably one of those speakers that cost under 1000$ for the entire speaker + amp. I spent 3x that on each of my new QSC amps alone so that's probably why I'm much more satisfied. I doubt the box itself was built so poorly that it actually ruined the rental speaker. Right now I'm convinced my bad experience was caused by the cheap amplifier in the speaker.
  2. Canada, otherwise i'd go check those out in a hurry. Probly cost a few organs on the black market to ship those beasts over here lol
  3. I think I will attempt an SKHorn build or two othorn builds unless someone says not to. Will probably be a few months before construction begins. After it's all built I will report my opinion here on how the box performs with respect to what I am trying to achieve.
  4. Just to be clear, what I negatively experienced with the commercial sub was this: 0-74% (VERY QUIET) 75-100% (VERY LOUD) What I was missing was all the fun that happens at 0-74%. I had to compress the life out of my music to hear it without nulls in the sounds. It definatly performed when I compressed my sound and gave that "rave" feeling but thats not what im going for. Another interesting way to describe it is to say that the sub sounded like it only had 4th gear. It really performed in 4th gear but I don't just drive on the highway all the time. I think it was either a cheap amp or this is where the ht/pa design philosophy divide exists. Id be suprised you havent experienced what im talking about I've heared this behavior from a few different PA systems. I certainly want earth shaking SPL dont get me wrong. I have 8000 watts that I want to give to the 20hz-60hz region. Will the SKhorn give me the intimacy I need, or should I make another type of box? The tradeoff in efficency between horn and sealed boxes seems tragic but for my application, I rather build more inefficient boxes and lose SPL than sacrifice the quiet parts of the signal.
  5. A brief history of my experience of different subwoofers: COMMERCIAL BIG NAME SUBS: PLAY ONE NOTE AND ONE VOLUME. I rented a popular brand 15 or 18 inch powered sub (cant remember) but at 70% volume I could hear bugs walking across my floor. At 75% I wouldn't be able to tell if there was a war going on outside. This was a serious problem. I was nothing short of disgusted. I also had the same experience going to a "rave" from a big name dubstep artist that used a different brand of big name commercial bins. SYSTEM I BUILT: EvErY VoLuMe is GREAT. I bought some amps and I built two sealed boxes each housing 4 12" subwoofers. First thing I did was play a 30hz sinewave being volume modulated with a low frequency oscillator. My faith in music tech was restored after having been drug through the mud for a while. I will be honest I'm a bit terrified to build anything that isn't a sealed box with drivers larger than 12". Not because I am a poor craftsman, but because I never want to spend money and get a similar behavior to what I've experienced with the commercial subs. I am particularly worried because RICCI said that weaker subs do not perform in his boxes in this quote talking about the othorn: "Most people that build the Othorn's do seem to use the recommended 21 or 18" drivers but there have been a few who have used much more affordable / weaker drivers that simply do not perform right in that cab and won't allow it to perform like it should." I have a few questions: 1. Has anyone had a similar experience as I have? 2. Was the unilinear volume response amplifier related or speaker/box related? 3. If I build a SKHORN will it only sound good when I'm pushing 4000 watts? 4. Should I go with a different strategy than buying two 21SW152's and building a SKHORN if I want to sacrifice maximum SPL for low frequency extension and a linear volume response? I do NOT care about linear frequency response because I am not your average meat head, I am a wizard, self trained in the arts of Ableton Live. Linear Frequency response is not the same beast as Linear Frequency Volume response. If you're replying please understand the distinction. I know it can be confusing.
  6. I'm buying two B&C 21SW152-4s and they're each getting their own box. I'm no DJ, but I like making things shake with synthesizers. Trying to decide whether I should build these or hire somebody. I'm Canadian so I wont be hiring across the border. Probably going to try to copy the "B&C 21SW152-4 25Hz Ported". I'm just wondering if port dimensions are off by an inch or something, if it would be a major impact. If anyone had a blueprint for it or exact dimensions I'd be ecstatic, otherwise I'll likely eyeball it and see what happens. Also any thoughts on the material to build the box from? I used MDF for my last boxes. Also, is ported FOR SURE the way to go? I'm a bit of a nutcase for CLEAN sound, and I am a EQ MASTER. My previous build I put 8 Alpine W12S4s in 2 sealed boxes, did not do any research or measurements, built the boxes based on looks, and they sound ******* amazing. I am not going to be a retard if I'm adding a port. I want to do it right. What do you think>? I'll add a pic of my previous build for fun.
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