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  1. Brian92


    Just curious if anyone has tried building one of the "paraflex" designs that they have on Facebook etc? I would like to try, I have a cnc router, but generally Im a sealed box kinda guy. When P.E. was running those leftover Celestion 18's from B52 for $49. I have 16 of those left to play with.
  2. This is my first attempt at building my own speaker. I have been reading alot of Jeff Bagbys work on the 2.5 way speaker setup. Although I have been working on crossovers in Xsim. I was wondering if someone would not mind looking this over and offering opinions, I sure would appreciate it. The cabinets will be kind of small 12.5"w x 14"d×41"h. They will have 2-Faital 10fe200-8 and 1-d220ti with a Faital short horn. Thanks in advance!!
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