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dB 2.0 launched!


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3 years, countless keyboard strokes, a lot of conversion work. But we got the new site up. We will add features to the new site over the coming months and bug fixes/ what not.

Most importantly the new site is much more readable, we'll have better photos ongoing and its got better tools for comparing systems to each other. Each system has a compare bar at the top of the page where you can query up another system and see them together.  I would really appropriate your feedback if you have any.


old site remains for a bit longer


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We still have some things to clean-up and improve such as viewing the site on mobile browsers, but we felt like we were close enough to make the switch. 

A few of the things that have changed or been upgraded. 

The format of the articles, drivers and system tests has changed. The measurements and images can now be embedded into the article rather than being on separate pages. This gives the reviews a better look and flow. The left hand side has a navigation link to jump to the measurement graphs. We may also be adding a tool to hide the paragraphs in the future.

We will be doing a better job of posting pictures and hopefully videos going forward. 

Up to 4 systems can be compared at once now via the system compare tool which will be at the top left of the page. As seen in Kyle's post above.

We have added maximum burst output in addition to the distortion limited bursts. Many of the systems tested have an additional 3 to 10dB more output capability beyond the distortion limits in the deep bass. When using a system your ear doesn't alert you that suddenly a distortion threshold from CEA-2010 type testing is being exceeded causing you to limit the volume or turn it down. That's not how it happens. This chart shows the actual maximum output recorded by the system. 

The distortion limited burst and maximum output burst tables are sortable and filterable by a number of factors. System type, whether it is active or passive, system size class, manufacturer, etc..

The maximum long term output sweep graph now goes down to 5Hz for all systems. These sweeps actually start at 2Hz but 5Hz was chosen as the lowest frequency that allowed the most powerful subs to get up out of the background noise floor. The less capable systems output will fall off of the graph at the lower limit of 70dB. 

All articles, driver tests and system tests have been gone through and reworded where needed and all of the text has been cleaned up. There was a lot of text coding errors, misspelling and punctuation errors in the old notes. I was aware of it but since we were totally retooling everything anyway for the new site it wasn't worth the effort. This has now been cleaned up drastically. I'm sure there are more errors in the new site, with the huge amount of typing involved but it will be much easier to fix those as we go. 

There are a few miscellaneous old driver tests or system tests that I decided to add from the archives. 

There are at least 7 new drivers that are going to be added in the next 2 weeks. I just have to finish and upload the notes. The Peerless STW-350 was added today. 

The testing methods and evaluation article explains how the tests are done and a basic idea of how to interpret the measurement types. This was called "Know How" on the old site. I've completely gone through and cleaned up/clarified the article and expanded it. I've also done the same with the Bass Myths article. 

As Kyle mentioned this has been a tremendous endeavor that we are excited about finally nearing the finish line on. Hopefully I can get back to testing subs this year!

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15 hours ago, EndersShadow said:

Looks good!  I was gonna say something about viewing in mobile..... but you guys already know that, so instead just gonna say


”Good Job, Carry On...”


Also I forgot to mention that all drivers now have measured complex inductance specs added that will allow much more accurate modeling when used with software that has the capability to use it, such as Horn-Response.

I've done some testing and the complex inductance specs can be used with the factory driver parameters even though they were measured from a driver with slightly different specs. Even if they aren't exact the sims will be much closer using them. Or just use the full set of measured specs posted here.

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Congrats on getting the new version launched.  The ability to present the data in so many different ways is quite impressive.  The only tool I could see as highly useful would be a way to more easily capture the displayed graph to post somewhere else.  Fortunately screen clipping is much easier these days, but just a thought for all of those cases someone wants to share a graph or comparison.

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So, on our list is a standalone graph(s) /w compare ability that has a sticky link so you can pass it around. shouldnt be too hard to add that now that we have all the core tooling built and data input into system, but im glad you brought that up.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
On 7/1/2019 at 3:38 PM, 3ll3d00d said:

what does the average refer to in the CEA-2010 graphs? literally the average of all drivers in the site or something else?

Yes...The average of everything. It can be hidden. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just a small thing, but I noticed some odd behaviour.

My iPhone (6, running IOS 9) automatically pauses music playback when another app starts playback. That's not the case for just any audio source, as some games allow background music playback from the music app.

When I load the data-bass forums via Safari on the phone, my music pauses thou. Even if theres no sound from notifications being played, this always happens when loading or reloading a page here.

Music playback is usually resumed when the other app is not sending the "request audio solo token" (I made that up, hope you get my point) anymore, but for data-bass it just pauses indefinitely.

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  • 7 months later...
On 9/14/2019 at 2:19 PM, peniku8 said:

Just a small thing, but I noticed some odd behaviour.

My iPhone (6, running IOS 9) automatically pauses music playback when another app starts playback. That's not the case for just any audio source, as some games allow background music playback from the music app.

When I load the data-bass forums via Safari on the phone, my music pauses thou. Even if theres no sound from notifications being played, this always happens when loading or reloading a page here.

Music playback is usually resumed when the other app is not sending the "request audio solo token" (I made that up, hope you get my point) anymore, but for data-bass it just pauses indefinitely.

@peniku8 Interesting. i dont have an iphone, so I can't check, but try this.

Go here:


Turn off "play a sound."


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